Thu 11 May 2023 | 11:45 pm - 11:55 pm
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ZAZA ISLAND in the city

The night calls us back, winding roads, to an exciting meeting point, between old and new, between the sea and the hill, a聽unique location in the big city

We are excited to host an underground goddess, a pioneer DJ, producer, label boss, vocalist, vinyl badass and a dedicated selector

After building a reputation as the most sought-after DJ in London, Anthea has been spreading her sound and her well-established respected label – Partisan (and the new sub-label – PILLZ) in every corner of the world for over a decade

Thanks to her dedication for spinning and digging records, finding the most exciting sounds on vinyl and thanks to her constant work and her commitment to cutting edge music, she reached the top of the minimal house and techno scene

Resident of Club Der Visionaere and Moscow’s Rodnya club
Plays regularly in all major clubs and festivals
Panorama Bar, Resolute NYC, Rex club, Dimensions Festival, Fuse
And the list goes on

With an emphasis on creation, rather than imitation, anyone who finds themselves locked on the dance floor with Anthea on the wheel will testify she is skilled and rocking. Between psychedelic selections and killer grooves, she takes us on a journey of hypnotic sound that dissolve time

Tel Aviv

.Stay tuned for more details

ID on the entrance
*No ticket transfers at the event*
You can cancel a ticket up to 48 hours before the event
.Cancellation involves a 5% cancellation fee
-Inquiries regarding ticket cancellations can be made in a private message to the Facebook page


砖诇讬讞讜转 拽讟诇谞讬转

english below*
The location will be revealed on our instagram page- @zazaisland.rec

讛诇讬诇讛 拽讜专讗 诇谞讜 诇讞讝讜专 !
讚专讻讬诐 诪转驻转诇讜转
诇谞拽讜讚转 诪驻讙砖 诪专讙砖转
讘讬谉 讬砖谉 诇讞讚砖
讘讬谉 讛讬诐 诇讙讘注讛
讘诇讜拽讬讬砖谉 诪讬讜讞讚 讘诪讬谞讜 讘注讬专 讛讙讚讜诇讛

诪转专讙砖讜转 诇讗专讞 讙讬讘讜专转 诪讞转专转, 讞诇讜爪讛, 讚讬讙壮讗讬转, 诪驻讬拽讛, 讜讜拽讗诇讬住讟讬转, 诇讬讬讘诇 讘讜住, 讜讜讬谞讬诇 讘讗讚 讗住 讜住诇拽讟讜专讬转 诪讞讜谞谞转


讘讞讬讝讜拽 砖诇 讻砖专讜谞讜转 诪拽讜诪讬讬诐:
Amichay Matyas
Mori Miller
Roni Amitai

诇讗讞专 砖讘谞转讛 诪讜谞讬讟讬谉 砖诇 讛转拽诇讬讟谞讬转 讛诪讘讜拽砖转 讘讬讜转专 讘诇讜谞讚讜谉, 讗谞转讬讗讛 诪驻讬爪讛 讗转 讛住讗讜谞讚 讜讗转 讛诇讬讬讘诇 讛诪讘讜住住 讜讛诪讜注专讱 砖诇讛 – Partisan (讜讛转转 诇讬讬讘诇 讛讞讚砖 -PILLZ ) 讘讻诇 驻讬谞讛 讘注讜诇诐 讻讘专 诇诪注诇讛 诪注砖讜专.

讘讝讻讜转 诪住讬专讜转讛 诇住讜讘讘 转拽诇讬讟讬诐 讜诇诪爪讜讗 讗转 讛爪诇讬诇讬诐 讛诪专讙砖讬诐 讘讬讜转专 注诇 讜讬谞讬诇 讜讘讝讻讜转 讛注砖讬讬讛 讛诪转诪讚转 讜诪讞讜讬讬讘讜转讛 诇诪讜住讬拽讛 诇讗 诪转驻砖专转 讛讬讗 讛讙讬注讛 诇讟讜驻 住爪谞转 讛讛讗讜住 讜讛讟讻谞讜 讛诪讬谞讬诪诇讬 .

专讝讬讚谞讟讬转 砖诇 -Club Der Visionaere 讜 Moscow鈥檚 Rodnya club
诪谞讙谞转 讘拽讘讬注讜转 讘讻诇 讛诪讜注讚讜谞讬诐 讜讛驻住讟讬讘诇讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇讬诐
Panorama Bar, Resolute NYC, Rex club ,Diemensions Festival, Fuse
讜讛专砖讬诪讛 注讜讚 讗专讜讻讛.

注诐 讚讙砖 注诇 讬爪讬专讛, 讜诇讗 讞讬拽讜讬, 讻诇 诪讬 砖诪讜爪讗 讗转 注爪诪讜 谞谞注诇 讘专讞讘讛 讻砖讗谞转讬讗讛 注诇 讛讛讙讛, 讬注讬讚 砖讛讬讗 诪讬讜诪谞转 讜诪讟专讬驻讛. 讘讬谉 讘讞讬专讜转 驻住讬讻讚诇讬讜转 诇讙专讜讘讬诐 拽讟诇谞讬诐 讛讬讗 诇讜拽讞转 讗讜转谞讜 诇诪住注 转注专讜讘讜转 讛讬驻谞讜讟讬讜转 砖诪诪讬住讜转 讗转 讛讝诪谉.

住讟 爪专讞讜转 讗讬谉 砖讗讝诐 :

讘讜讬诇专 专讜诐 讞诐:

专诪讬拽住 砖诇 讚谉 诇讟专拽 砖讗讜讛讘讜转:

转诇 讗讘讬讘

驻专讟讬诐 谞讜住驻讬诐- 讘拽专讜讘 !

诪讬诪讜砖 讛讻专讟讬住 讘讻谞讬住讛 诪讜转谞讛 讘讛爪讙转 转”讝.
*讗讬谉 讛注讘专讜转 讻专讟讬住讬诐 讘讗讬专讜注*
谞讬转谉 诇讘讟诇 讻专讟讬住 注讚 讻 48 砖注讜转 诇驻谞讬 讛讗讬专讜注
讘讬讟讜诇 讻专讜讱 讘5% 讚诪讬 讘讬讟讜诇.
驻谞讬讜转 讘谞讜砖讗 讘讬讟讜诇讬 讻专讟讬住讬诐 谞讬转谉 诇驻谞讜转 讘讛讜讚注讛 诇注诪讜讚 讛驻讬讬住讘讜拽 砖诇谞讜-

讗住讟讛诇讜讬住讟讛 讘讬讬讘讬
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