Thu 5 October 2023 | 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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Yahweh Israel wonderful record, originally recorded and released in 1989
Yahweh Israel was the big bang of the tribe / commune / band Israel and of the Jerusalem fringe culture in the mid – late 1980s.

Yahweh Israel is without a doubt the most important, raw and significant creation of the do-it-yourself culture, a burst of creativity that came close to expression in musical groups, DJs, concert venues, films, a pirate radio station, a bar, a newspaper, labels and sub-labels that were inspired by its works artistically independent and free from any definition.
Between Judaism and Israeliness, between ancient and contemporary culture, between alternative-avant-garde rock and tribalism, between private and collective space.
The songs, music and cultural thinking embedded in this album are as powerful and relevant today as they were in real time.
The reissue on a record in a gatefold cover was made possible thanks to the close cooperation with the members of the band and the label M.R.I. An Israeli spiritual place. The original recordings were restored and mastered by Harel Schreiber who polished the materials to the degree of perfection worthy of a work of this magnitude.

诪讛讚讜专讛 诪讞讜讚砖转 诇转拽诇讬讟 讛诪讜驻诇讗 砖诇 讬砖专讗诇, 砖讛讜拽诇讟 讜讬爪讗 讘诪拽讜专 讘砖谞转 1989
讬讛讜讛 讬砖专讗诇 讛讬讛 讛诪驻抓 讛讙讚讜诇 砖诇 讛砖讘讟 / 拽讜诪讜谞讛 / 讛专讻讘 诇讛拽转 讬砖专讗诇 讜砖诇 转专讘讜转 讛砖讜诇讬讬诐 讛讬专讜砖诇诪讬转 讘讗诪爪注 – 住讜祝 砖谞讜转 讛砖诪讜谞讬诐.
转专讘讜转 砖爪诪讞讛 住讘讬讘 诪讜注讚讜谉 讛驻专讙讜讚 讜讛爪诪讬讞讛 讗转 讛讛专讻讘讬诐 砖谞讬住讞讜 讗转 讛谞讬讜-讜讜讬讬讘 讜讛驻讜住讟-驻讗谞拽 讛讬专讜砖诇诪讬 (讘讙讬砖讛 诪拽讜诪讬转 讘诪讜讘谉 讛注诪讜拽 砖诇讛) 讻诪讜 3讞, 谞讜砖讗讬 讛诪讙讘注转, 讚讬讜讜诇讟, 讗讞转 2 讻讝讛, 诪注爪, 诪驻讟讗诇, 诪讜讙壮讛讚讬谉.
讬讛讜讛 讬砖专讗诇 讛讬讗 诇诇讗 住驻拽 讛讬爪讬专讛 讛讞砖讜讘讛, 讛讙讜诇诪讬转 讜讛诪砖诪注讜转讬转 讘讬讜转专 砖诇 转专讘讜转 讛注砖讛-讝讗转-讘注爪诪讱, 驻专抓 砖诇 讬爪讬专转讬讜转 砖讘讗讛 诇讬讚 讘讬讟讜讬 讘讛专讻讘讬诐 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬讬诐, 转拽诇讬讟谞讬诐, 讘诪拽讜诪讜转 诇讛讜驻注讜转, 讘住专讟讬诐, 转讞谞转 专讚讬讜 驻讬专讟讬转, 讘专, 注讬转讜谉, 诇讬讬讘诇讬诐 讜转转讬-诇讬讬讘诇讬诐 砖拽讬讘诇讜 讛砖专讗讛 诪注砖讬讛 讗诪谞讜转讬转 注爪诪讗讬转 讜讞讜驻砖讬转 诪讻诇 讛讙讚专讛.
讘讬谉 讛讬讛讚讜转 诇讬砖专讗诇讬讜转, 讘讬谉 讛转专讘讜转 讛拽讚讜诪讛 诇讝讜 讛注讻砖讜讜讬转, 讘讬谉 专讜拽 讗诇讟专谞讟讬讘讬-讗讜讜谞讙专讚讬 诇砖讘讟讬讜转, 讘讬谉 诪专讞讘 驻专讟讬 诇拽讜诇拽讟讬讘.
讛砖讬专讬诐, 讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 讜讛讞砖讬讘讛 讛转专讘讜转讬转 讛诪讜讟诪注转 讘讗诇讘讜诐 讛讝讛 注讜爪诪转讬讬诐 讜专诇讜讜谞讟讬讬诐 讛讬讜诐 诇讗 驻讞讜转 诪砖讛讬讜 讘讝诪谉 讗诪转.
讘讗诇讘讜诐, 砖讬爪讗 讘诪拽讜专 讘诪讛讚讜专讛 诪爪讜诪爪诪转 讜注诐 注讟讬驻讜转 讘注讘讜讚转 讬讚, 诪砖转转驻讬诐: 讙讘专讬讗诇 讘谉 讞讜专讬谉, 谞讘讜 住讘讜专讗讬, 讗诇讜谉 讻讛谉 , 转诪讬专 讗诇讘专讟, 专讜谞讬转 专讜讝谞讟诇, 讗讬诇谞讛 爪讘专讬, 砖诇讜诪讬转 诪讗讬专, 讜讬诇讬 讘诇讜讱, 讚讜讚讬拽 讚诇-诪讞, 讝讬讜 诇讜讗讬住, 诪专讬诐, 讚谞讬 讬爪讞拽讬, 注讜驻专 讛专专讬, 专讜谞讬 驻讬谞讚诇, 诪诇讻讬讗诇 讙专讜住诪谉.
讛讛讜爪讗讛 讛诪讞讜讚砖转 注诇 讙讘讬 转拽诇讬讟 讘注讟讬驻转 讙讬讬讟驻讜诇讚 讛转讗驻砖专讛 讛讜讚讜转 诇砖讬转讜祝 讛驻注讜诇讛 讛讛讚讜拽 注诐 讗谞砖讬 讛讛专讻讘 讜讛诇讬讬讘诇 诪.专.讬. 诪拽讜诐 专讜讞谞讬 讬砖专讗诇讬. 讛讛拽诇讟讜转 讛诪拽讜专讬讜转 注讘专讜 专住讟讜专爪讬讛 讜诪住讟专讬谞讙 注诇 讬讚讬 讛专讗诇 砖专讬讬讘专 砖诇讬讟砖 讗转 讛讞讜诪专讬诐 诇讚专讙转 讛砖诇诪讜转 讛专讗讜讬讛 诇讬爪讬专讛 讘住讚专 讙讜讚诇 讝讛.
讛砖拽转 讛讛讜爪讗讛 讛诪讞讜讚砖转: 5 讘讗讜拽讟讜讘专 2023, 讘谞讜讻讞讜转 讙讘专讬讗诇 讘谉 讞讜专讬谉 讜注诐 转拽诇讜讟 砖诇 讗住谞转 讘诇讜谞讚讬
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