Thu 6 October 2022 | 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
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Intimate in two – 88 keys, 6 strings and one singer

Two that are three! The piano and singing giant Daniela Sch盲chter from Italy in a fascinating musical meeting with one of the most unique guitar players in the world, the Israeli Yossi Levy, gives the great standards of jazz a new sound that will blend old with new and between lyricism and virtuosity. It can’t be less than amazing!

*Tickets can be canceled within 14 days from the day the transaction was made, provided that the cancellation is made at least seven days, which are not rest days, before the show date.
Less a cancellation fee of 5% of the transaction amount or NIS 100, whichever is lower.

*The right to changes is reserved to the organizers.

The festival will be held at Beit Zioni America,
1 Daniel Frish St., Tel Aviv-Yafo.

讗讬谞讟讬诪讬 讘砖谞讬讬诐 – 88 拽诇讬讚讬诐, 6 诪讬转专讬诐 讜讝诪专转 讗讞转

砖谞讬讬诐 砖讛诐 砖诇讜砖讛! 注谞拽讬转 讛驻住谞转专 讜讛砖讬专讛 Daniela Sch盲chter 诪讗讬讟诇讬讛 讘诪驻讙砖 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 诪专转拽 注诐 讗讞讚 诪谞讙谞讬 讛讙讬讟专讛 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬讬诐 讘注讜诇诐, 讛讬砖专讗诇讬 讬讜住讬 诇讜讬, 诪注谞讬拽讬诐 诇住讟谞讚专讟讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇讬诐 砖诇 讛讙’讗讝 爪诇讬诇 讞讚砖 砖讬诪讝讙 讘讬谉 讬砖谉 诇讞讚砖 讜讘讬谉 诇讬专讬讜转 诇讜讜讬专讟讜讗讜讝讬讜转. 讝讛 诇讗 讬讻讜诇 诇讛讬讜转 驻讞讜转 诪诪讚讛讬诐!

爪讬诇讜诐: Jean Hangarter/ 注诪专讬 诪专讜谉

*讻诇 讛转诪讜谞讜转 诪驻讜专住诪讜转 讘讛转讗诐 诇住注讬祝 27 讗 诇讞讜拽 讝讻讜讬讜转 讛讬讜爪专讬诐. 讘讗诐 讗转诐 诪专讙讬砖讬诐 谞驻讙注讬诐 诪驻专住讜诐 转诪讜谞讜转 讗诇讜, 讗谞讗 讛讜讚讬注讜谞讜 诪讬讬讚讬转 诇诪讬讬诇 讜讗谞讜 谞住讬专谉.

*谞讬转谉 诇讘讟诇 讻专讟讬住讬诐 讘转讜讱 14 讬诪讬诐 诪讬讜诐 注砖讬讬转 讛注住拽讛, 讜讘诇讘讚 砖讛讘讬讟讜诇 讬讬注砖讛 诇驻讞讜转 砖讘注讛 讬诪讬诐, 砖讗讬谞诐 讬诪讬 诪谞讜讞讛, 拽讜讚诐 诇转讗专讬讱 讛诪讜驻注.
讘谞讬讻讜讬 讚诪讬 讘讬讟讜诇 讘讙讜讘讛 砖诇 5% 诪住讻讜诐 讛注住拽讛 讗讜 100 砖拽诇, 讛谞诪讜讱 诪讘讬谞讬讛诐.

*讛讝讻讜转 诇砖讬谞讜讬讬诐 砖诪讜专讛 诇诪讗专讙谞讬诐.

讛驻住讟讬讘诇 讬转拽讬讬诐 讘讘讬转 爪讬讜谞讬 讗诪专讬拽讛,
专讞’ 讚谞讬讗诇 驻专讬砖 1, 转诇 讗讘讬讘 讬驻讜.
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