Sat 12 August 2023 | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
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On Saturday the 5th of August we will hold a one-time collage workshop with the artist Yael Pasmanik as part of the joint exhibition *Loss and Reality*!
Yael’s works can be seen here:

In the workshop, the participants will experiment with the collage technique, through cutting and recombining existing images from the urban and architectural content worlds, while thinking about the urban space that is breaking down and being built around us.

We will connect the collage to blocks from wood scraps of different sizes and create a new, unique and personal object that can be hung.

Age 12+ No prior knowledge is required
: Limited number of places! for registration and payment


讘讬讜诐 砖讘转 讛-5.8 谞拽讬讬诐 住讚谞转 拽讜诇讗讝’ 讞讚 驻注诪讬转 注诐 讛讗诪谞讬转 讬注诇 驻住诪谞讬拽 讘诪住讙专转 讛转注专讜讻讛 讛讝讜讙讬转 *讗讘讚讜转 讜诪爪讬讗讜转*!
谞讬转谉 诇专讗讜转 讗转 注讘讜讚讜转讬讛 砖诇 讬注诇 讻讗谉:

讘住讚谞讛 讛诪砖转转驻讬诐讜转 讬转谞住讜 讘讟讻谞讬拽转 讛拽讜诇讗讝壮, 讚专讱 讞讬转讜讱 讜讞讬讘讜专 诪讞讚砖 砖诇 讚讬诪讜讬讬诐 拽讬讬诪讬诐 诪转讜讱 注讜诇诪讜转 讛转讜讻谉 讛注讬专讜谞讬讬诐 讜讛讗讚专讬讻诇讬讬诐, 转讜讱 诪讞砖讘讛 注诇 讛诪专讞讘 讛讗讜专讘谞讬 讛诪转驻专拽 讜谞讘谞讛 住讘讬讘谞讜.

讗转 讛拽讜诇讗讝壮 谞讞讘专 诇讘诇讜拽讬诐 诪砖讗专讬讜转 注抓 讘讙讚诇讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐 讜谞讬爪讜专 讗讜讘讬讬拽讟 讞讚砖, 讬讬讞讜讚讬 讜讗讬砖讬 讛谞讬转谉 诇转诇讬讬讛.

讙讬诇 12+ | 诇讗 谞讚专砖 讬讚注 拽讜讚诐
:诪住驻专 诪拽讜诪讜转 诪讜讙讘诇! 诇讛专砖诪讛 讜转砖诇讜诐
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