Thu 4 October 2018 | 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Beit Hair - Beit Hair, Tel Aviv,

“Sometimes the murder of one person changes the face of history”

One summer evening, on the beach in Tel Aviv, someone murdered Haim Arlosoroff
A successful and beloved statesman
The years passed and the affair disappeared into the dusty archives until one day she was resurrected

Mysterious Theater and City House Museum showcasing:
Who killed Arlosoroff? The musical!

The City House Museum turns into a photo site where you, the standers
Walk around the scenes of the film
They participate in and influence the actors
The actors of the film live on the set throughout the production time
Dozens of cameras, some of which are visible and others do not, document the events

We create the musical film about the murder of Arlosoroff together with you
The mystery that no one could crack – the musical will break

The number of places is limited – hurry to book a ticket and reserve yourself a place in a theatrical-cinematic-musical experience that has not yet existed

26.4 at 20:30 City House Museum. 27 Bialik Street, Tel Aviv.

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