Fri 22 September 2023 | 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
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Present: Wellness Festival 23. A celebration of body and soul.

A unique event where you can enjoy a huge wellness booth complex, movement workshops, ice baths, live performances by musicians and DJs and relaxing treatments in a safe, inviting and free space full of love and smiles.

The contents of the wellness will be delivered by the best facilitators, guides and intellectuals in Israel.

*Entrance is free*.

The purpose of the festival is to make the worlds of wellness accessible to the general public, to live a healthier and happier life.

At the festival you will find several activity complexes taking place at the same time –
A huge booth complex with a variety of local and international businesses from the wellness worlds.

Movement complex – yoga, acro yoga, pilates, handstand and more.

ice baths – breathing exercises and exposure to cold.

The mental complex – mindfulness, meditation, breathing, sound healing, chakra purification and more.

A rejuvenation and treatment complex where a variety of different therapists will provide short treatments to relax and rejuvenate during the day.

A stage with content, live performances and other exciting surprises.

You can find a full lineup with hours of content and performances on our website.

We believe that the world will become a better place, that the people in it feel better.
Join us in spreading goodness, happiness and love in the world, from the inside out.
Come hang out, feel, taste and discover a new world of health, physically and mentally.

An entire day dedicated to balance and connection to ourselves, body and mind, connection to others
and the world around us.

The number of participants in the classes and workshops is limited, hurry up to reserve a place.


Wellness Festival 23
讞讙讬讙讛 砖诇 讙讜祝 讜谞驻砖.

讗讬专讜注 诪讬讜讞讚 讘诪讬谞讜 讘讜 转讜讻诇讜 诇讛谞讜转 诪诪转讞诐 讚讜讻谞讬 讜讜诇谞住 注谞拽, 住讚谞讗讜转 转谞讜注讛, 讗诪讘讟讬讜转 拽专讞, 讛讜驻注讜转 讞讬讜转 砖诇 诪讜讝讬拽讗讬诐 讜讚讬讙’讬讬诐 讜讟讬驻讜诇讬诐 诪专讙讬注讬诐 讘诪专讞讘 讘讟讜讞, 诪讝诪讬谉 讜讞讜驻砖讬 诪诇讗 讘讗讛讘讛 讜讞讬讜讻讬诐.

转讻谞讬 讛讜讜诇谞住 讬讜注讘专讜 注”讬 诪讬讟讘 讛诪谞讞讬诐, 诪讚专讬讻讬诐 讜讗谞砖讬 专讜讞 讘讬砖专讗诇.

*讛讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转*.

诪讟专转 讛驻住讟讬讘诇 讛讬讗 诇讛谞讙讬砖 讗转 注讜诇诪讜转 讛讜讜诇谞住 诇拽讛诇 讛专讞讘, 诇讞讬讜转 讞讬讬诐 讘专讬讗讬诐 讜诪讗讜砖专讬诐 讬讜转专.

讘驻住讟讬讘诇 转诪爪讗讜 讻诪讛 诪转讞诪讬 驻注讬诇讜转 讛诪转专讞砖讬诐 讘讜 讝诪谞讬转 –
诪转讞诐 讚讜讻谞讬诐 注谞拽 注诐 诪讙讜讜谉 注住拽讬诐 诪拽讜诪讬讬诐 讜讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬讬诐 诪注讜诇诪讜转 讛讜讜诇谞住 .

诪转讞诐 转谞讜注讛 – 讬讜讙讛, 讗拽专讜 讬讜讙讛, 驻讬诇讗讟讬住, 注诪讬讚讜转 讬讚讬讬诐 讜注讜讚.

讗诪讘讟讬讜转 拽专讞 WIM HOF – 转专讙讜诇讬 谞砖讬诪讜转 讜讞砖讬驻讛 诇拽讜专.

诪转讞诐 讛谞驻砖 – 诪讬讬谞讚驻讜诇谞住, 诪讚讬讟爪讬讛, 谞砖讬诪讜转, 住讗讜谞讚 讛讬诇讬谞讙, 讟讬讛讜专 爪讗拽专讜转 讜注讜讚.

诪转讞诐 讛转讞讚砖讜转 讜讟讬驻讜诇讬诐 讘讜 诪讙讜讜谉 诪讟驻诇讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐 讬注谞讬拽讜 讟讬驻讜诇讬诐 拽爪专讬诐 诇讛专讙注 讜诇讛转讞讚砖 讘诪讛诇讱 讛讬讜诐.

讘诪讛 注诐 转讻谞讬诐, 讛讜驻注讜转 诇讬讬讘 讜注讜讚 讛驻转注讜转 诪专讙砖讜转.

Wellness line up –

Music Line up –

诇讬讬谞讗驻 诪诇讗 注诐 砖注讜转 砖诇 转讻谞讬诐 讜讛讜驻注讜转 转讜讻诇讜 诇诪爪讜讗 讘讗转专 砖诇谞讜.

讗谞讞谞讜 诪讗诪讬谞讬诐 砖讛注讜诇诐 谞讛讬讛 诪拽讜诐 讟讜讘 讬讜转专, 砖讛讗谞砖讬诐 讘讜 诪专讙讬砖讬诐 讟讜讘 讬讜转专.
讛爪讟专驻讜 讗诇讬谞讜 诇讛驻讬抓 讟讜讘, 讗讜砖专 讜讗讛讘讛 讘注讜诇诐, 诪讘驻谞讬诐 讛讞讜爪讛.
讘讜讗讜 诇讘诇讜转, 诇讛专讙讬砖, 诇讟注讜诐 讜诇讙诇讜转 注讜诇诐 讞讚砖 砖诇 讘专讬讗讜转, 驻讬讝讬转 讜谞驻砖讬转.

讬讜诐 砖诇诐 砖讻讜诇讜 诪讜拽讚砖 诇讗讬讝讜谉 讜讞讬讘讜专 诇注爪诪谞讜, 诇讙讜祝 讜讛谞驻砖, 讞讬讘讜专 诇讗讞专讬诐
讜诇注讜诇诐 住讘讬讘谞讜.

诪住驻专 讛诪砖转转驻讬诐 讘砖讬注讜专讬诐 讜讛住讚谞讗讜转 诪讜讙讘诇 讬砖 诇诪讛专 诇砖专讬讬谉 诪拽讜诪讜转.
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