Wed 8 December 2021 | 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Shevet - Paul Kor 16, Tel Aviv,

Beloved and beloved
Family and friends and girlfriends

Happy and excited to invite you and invite you
Celebrate my 34th birthday with me
We will celebrate with poetry that is full of heart and joy
Everyone and everyone is welcome and invited without selection

This is an opportunity to be together, sing and receive healing
From the connection and common singing of us all.
This is not a show, this is an invitation to be an active part,
Share from the heart, sing and even lead a song.

Admission is free with a donation from the heart, there will be a box office
Plenty open at the entrance.
The order is to put 50 NIS or some
That it is possible to support the space and cover the expenses of this evening (including the meal and cocoa) really put as much as possible so that money does not prevent anyone from joining and celebrating with us in love.
Anyone who wants to halper and help this evening take place talk to me in advance, I would be very happy

There will be a coffee and tea corner free with tribal vegan snacks.
There will be ceremonial cocoa to open the heart.
There will be a crazy vegan meal by Abigail our beloved tribal chef 3>
A free buffet of
Food that is all about the purity of the live plant diet: fruits, vegetables, sushi raw, raw desserts and other crazy surprises

Estimated schedule:
19:00 Crazy vegan meal
20:00 Rounding and rounding
21:30 Serving cocoa
23:00 Spiritual eco-dance set
Estimated landing 24:00

Excited and looking forward to you therefore

~ A little about the tribe ~
Our second home in the heart of Tel Aviv,
Garage for the heart and soul.
A place to be us, to receive healing, a hug
And love.
The tribe is held by volunteers whose faith is harmony between living beings and the environment and nature.

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

讗讛讜讘讬诐 讜讗讛讜讘讜转
诪砖驻讞讛 讜讞讘专讬诐 讜讞讘专讜转

砖诪讞 讜谞专讙砖 诇讛讝诪讬谞讻诐 讜诇讛讝诪讬谞讻谉
诇讞讙讜讙 讗讬转讬 讗转 讬讜诐 讛讜诇讚转讬 讛-34
谞讞讙讜讙 讘诪注诇 砖讬专讛 砖讻讜诇讜 诇讘 讜砖诪讞讛
讻讜诇诐 讜讻讜诇谉 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 讜诪讜讝诪谞讜转 讘诇讬 住诇拽爪讬讛

讝讜 讛讝讚诪谞讜转 诇讛讬讜转 讘讬讞讚, 诇砖讬专 讜诇拽讘诇 专讬驻讜讬
诪讛讞讬讘讜专 讜讛砖讬专讛 讛诪砖讜转驻转 砖诇 讻讜诇谞讜.
讝讜 诇讗 讛讜驻注讛, 讝讜 讛讝诪谞讛 诇讛讬讜转 讞诇拽 讗拽讟讬讘讬,
诇砖转祝 诪讛诇讘, 诇砖讬专 讜讗祝 诇讛讜讘讬诇 砖讬专.

讬讞讝讬拽讜 讗转 讛诪注讙诇:
讗讚讬 讝讗讬讚诪谉 (讗谞讬) – 砖讬专讛 讜讙讬讟专讛
砖诪砖讜谉 专驻驻讜专讟 – 讻讬谞讜专
讗讬讬专 住诪诇 – 讘住, 讞诇讬诇, 住拽住讜驻讜谉
专讜谉 讗砖 – 拽诪谞爪’讛
讗讬转诪专 讘讻专 – 讚讙’诪讘讛
讬讜讘诇 诪讝诪专 讟讜讘 – 讚专讘讜拽讛
讬转讗专讞讜 讜讬讜讘讬诇讜 砖讬专-砖谞讬讬诐:
讬专讬谉 讘谉-讚讜讚
讙讬诇 讘专讜讱 讗诇讬注讝专
注诪专讬 讘讬专谉
讚谉 讗讙讜讜讗
讘诇讛 讬讝讙讬讬讘
讗注讚讻谉 讘诪讜讝讬拽讗讬讬诐 谞讜住驻讜转 讘讛诪砖讱 …
*诪讜讝讬拽讗讬讬诐/讬讜转 砖专讜爪讬诐/讜转 诇讛爪讟专祝 讚讘专讜 讗讬转讬*

讛讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转 讘讚讜谞讬讬砖谉 诪讛诇讘, 转讛讬讛 拽讜驻转
砖驻注 驻转讜讞讛 讘讻谞讬住讛.
讛讛讝诪谞讛 讛讬讗 诇砖讬诐 50 砖”讞 讗讜 讻诪讛
砖讗驻砖专讬 诇转诪讬讻讛 讘诪专讞讘 讜讻讬住讜讬 讛讜爪讗讜转 讛注专讘 讛讝讛 (讻讜诇诇 讗转 讛讗专讜讞讛 讜讛拽拽讗讜) 砖讬诪讜 讘讗诪转 讻诪讛 砖讗驻砖专 讻讱 砖讻住祝 诇讗 讬诪谞注 诪讗祝 讗讞讚 讜讗讞转 诇讛爪讟专祝 讜诇讞讙讜讙 讗讬转谞讜 讘讗讛讘讛.
诪讬 砖专讜爪讛 诇讛诇驻专 讜诇注讝讜专 诇注专讘 讛讝讛 诇讛转拽讬讬诐 讚讘专讜 讗讬转讬 诪专讗砖, 讗砖诪讞 诪讗讜讚

转讛讬讛 驻讬谞转 拽驻讛 讜转讛 讞讜驻砖讬诐 注诐 谞砖谞讜砖讬诐 讟讘注讜谞讬讬诐 砖讘讟讬讬诐.
讬讛讬讛 拽拽讗讜 讟拽住讬 诇驻转讬讞转 讛诇讘.
转讛讬讛 讗专讜讞讛 讟讘注讜谞讗讬转 诪砖讜讙注转 砖诇 讗讘讬讙诇 讛砖驻讬转 讛砖讘讟讬转 讛讗讛讜讘讛 砖诇谞讜 3>
讬讞讻讛 诇谞讜 讘讜驻讛 讞讜驻砖讬 砖诇
诪讝讜谉 砖讻讜诇讜 注诇 讟讛专转 讛转讝讜谞讛 讛爪诪讞讬转 讛讞讬讛: 驻讬专讜转, 讬专拽讜转, 住讜砖讬 专讜讗讜, 拽讬谞讜讞讬诐 专讜讗讜 讜注讜讚 讛驻转注讜转 诪讟讜专驻讜转

诇讜”讝 诪砖讜注专:
19:00 讗专讜讞讛 讟讘注讜谞讗讬转 诪讟讜专驻转
20:00 诪转注讙诇讬诐 讜诪转注讙诇讜转
21:30 讛讙砖转 拽拽讗讜
23:00 住讟 专讬拽讜讚 讗拽住讟讟讬 砖诇 住驻讬专讬讟讬讟讜
24:00 谞讞讬转讛 诪砖讜注专转

诪转专讙砖讬诐 讜诪爪驻讬诐 诇讻诐 讜诇讻谉

~ 拽爪转 注诇 讛砖讘讟 ~
讛讘讬转 讛砖谞讬 砖诇谞讜 讘诇讘 转”讗,
诪讜住讱 诇诇讘 讜讛谞砖诪讛.
诪拽讜诐 诇讛讬讜转 讗谞讞谞讜, 诇拽讘诇 专讬驻讜讬, 讞讬讘讜拽
讛砖讘讟 诪讜讞讝拽 注诇 讬讚讬 诪转谞讚讘讬诐 砖讗诪讜谞转诐 讛讬讗 讛专诪讜谞讬讛 讘讬谉 讛讬爪讜专讬诐 讛讞讬讬诐 诇住讘讬讘讛 讜诇讟讘注.

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