Tue 10 January 2023 | 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
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A social satire on the ideal of beauty

The engineer Leta is supposed to go to a prestigious conference where he will launch a genius product he invented, but it turns out that his assistant is traveling in his place. In his attempts to find out why he discovers a horrifying fact.

It turns out that everyone thinks he is ugly and therefore his path to marketing and branding the product is blocked. The solution is a massive plastic surgery that changes his life from end to end, and turns himself into a sought-after brand loved by women, until, as brands do, imitations begin to appear.

Location: Daniel Frisch St 1, Tel Aviv-Yafo

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诪讗转 诪专讬讜住 驻讜谉 诪讬讬谞讘讜专讙
转专讙讜诐 讗讘讬砖讬 诪讬诇砖讟讬讬谉
讘讬诪讜讬 砖专讜谉 砖讟专拽

讛诪讛谞讚住 诇讟讛 讗诪讜专 诇爪讗转 诇讻谞住 讬讜拽专转讬 讘讜 讬砖讬拽 诪讜爪专 讙讗讜谞讬 砖讛诪爪讬讗, 讗讱 诪转讘专专 砖讛讗住讬住讟谞讟 砖诇讜 谞讜住注 讘诪拽讜诪讜. 讘谞讬住讬讜谞讜转讬讜 诇讘专专 诪讚讜注 讛讜讗 诪讙诇讛 注讜讘讚讛 诪讞专讬讚讛.

诪转讘专专 砖讻讜诇诐 住讘讜专讬诐 砖讛讜讗 诪讻讜注专 讜讗讬 诇讻讱 讚专讻讜 诇砖讬讜讜拽 讜诪讬转讜讙 讛诪讜爪专 讞住讜诪讛. 讛驻转专讜谉 讛讜讗 谞讬转讜讞 驻诇住讟讬 诪住讬讘讬 讛诪砖谞讛 讗转 讞讬讬讜 诪讛拽爪讛 讗诇 讛拽爪讛, 讜讛讜驻讱 讗讜转讜 注爪诪讜 诇诪讜转讙 诪讘讜拽砖 讜讞讘讬讘 讛谞砖讬诐, 注讚 讗砖专, 讻讚专讻诐 砖诇 诪讜转讙讬诐, 诪转讞讬诇讬诐 诇爪讜抓 讞讬拽讜讬讬诐.

诪讞讝讛讜 讛讞讚-讻转注专 砖诇 诪专讬讜住 驻讜谉 诪讬讬谞讘专讙 注讜住拽 讘讗讜讘住住讬讛 讛讞讘专转讬转 注诐 诪专讗讛 讞讬爪讜谞讬, 讘讘专讜讟诇讬讜转 砖诇 讛拽驻讬讟诇讬讝诐, 讜讘拽讜砖讬 诇讙讘砖 讝讛讜转 讘注讜诇诪谞讜 讛诪转讜注砖, 讘讜 讘谞讬 讛讗讚诐 讻讘专 讗讬谞诐 讛诇拽讜讞讜转 讗诇讗 讛诪讜爪专.
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