Sun 24 July 2022 | 9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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Yonatan Amiran (“What Closes”, “Laughter on the Side”) presents an evening of experimental comedy. Strange jokes, weird characters and things that will make you say, “What ?!” But also to laugh (I hope).
This time the evening will be hosted by comedian and entertainer Yaakov Rubinstein (twice Buskila 2: three times Buskila).
Carmel Tzaig!
Roy Sheila!
Maayan Or Gil!
Yanay Ben Noach!
And all this for free no money!


讬讜谞转谉 注诪讬专谉 (“诪讛 谞住讙专”, “爪讞讜拽 讘爪讚”) 诪爪讬讙 注专讘 砖诇 拽讜诪讚讬讛 谞讬住讜谞讬转. 讘讚讬讞讜转 诪讜讝专讜转, 讚诪讜讬讜转 诪砖讜谞讜转 讜讚讘专讬诐 砖讬讙专诪讜 诇讻诐 诇讛讙讬讚: “诪讛?!” 讗讘诇 讙诐 诇爪讞讜拽 (讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛).
讛驻注诐 讛注专讘 讬讜谞讞讛 注诇 讬讚讬 讛拽讜诪讬拽讗讬 讜讛讘讚专谉 讬注拽讜讘 专讜讘讬谞砖讟讬讬谉 (驻注诪讬讬诐 讘讜住拽讬诇讛 2: 砖诇讜砖 驻注诪讬诐 讘讜住拽讬诇讛).
讻专诪诇 爪讗讬讙!
专讜注讬 砖讬诇讛!
诪注讬讬谉 讗讜专 讙讬诇!
讬谞讗讬 讘谉 谞讞!
讜讻诇 讝讛 讘讞讬谞诐 讗讬谉 讻住祝!
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