Sat 17 November 2018 | 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Cinemateque - Shprintsak Street 2, Tel Aviv,

The frenzied French film festival will be devoted to a French comedian who seems to have no star: Louis de Pins, who became famous for his nervous character and maintained the title of most admired French actor for 18 consecutive years. De Pines worked as a pianist in bars in Paris and became a star only towards the age of fifty when he wore the image of the trooper from Saint Tropez. Despite his wild image, the man in the castle is isolated and hid from the media. Backstage also risked his life when he appeared in the movies and photographed with a doctor next to him.
Under the direction of director Alon Gur Aryeh
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This month: Alon Gur Aryeh-Tarantino: History and films 29.10 // Syncopa bar

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