Sat 9 September 2023 | 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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There were comedies that used racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-Semitism to laugh and it didn’t bother (almost) anyone. Before the screening of the new comedy “Joy Ride” Alon Gur Arye will tell about the tortuous history of political correctness in cinema… Once people were encouraged to smoke on the screen while men were arrested for exposing a nipple at the beach. Today each curse has a limited number of uses before the movie becomes restricted to watch

The film will be shown: Joy Ride
When Audrey’s business trip to Asia gets out of hand, she enlists the help of Lulu, her wild childhood friend; Kat, her college friend turned Chinese soap opera star; and Dead-Eye, Lulu’s extreme cousin. The whole experience, their wild and unrestrained rampage also becomes a journey of connection, belonging, and connection to one universal truth: the meaning of knowing and loving yourself.
The entire event lasts about two and a half hours

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讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讛讘诪讗讬 讗诇讜谉 讙讜专 讗专讬讛

讬讜拽专谉 讛住专讟:
注讜讘专讜转 讗转 讛讙讘讜诇 | Joy Ride
讻讗砖专 谞住讬注转 讛注住拽讬诐 诇讗住讬讛 砖诇 讗讜讚专讬 讬讜爪讗转 诪讻诇诇 砖诇讬讟讛, 讛讬讗 谞注讝专转 讘诇讜诇讜, 讞讘专转 讛讬诇讚讜转 讛驻专讜注讛 砖诇讛; 拽讗讟, 讞讘专转讛 诪讛拽讜诇讙’ 砖讛驻讻讛 诇讻讜讻讘转 讗讜驻专转 住讘讜谉 住讬谞讬转; 讜讚讚-讗讬讬, 讘转 讚讜讚转讛 讛诪讜拽爪谞转 砖诇 诇讜诇讜. 讛讞讜讜讬讛 讻讜诇讛, 讛讛砖转讜诇诇讜转 讛驻专讜注讛 讜讞住专转 讛诪注爪讜专讬诐 砖诇讛谉 讛讜驻讻转 讙诐 诇诪住注 砖诇 拽砖专, 砖讬讬讻讜转, 讜讛转讞讘专讜转 诇讗诪转 讗讜谞讬讘专住诇讬转 讗讞转: 讛诪砖诪注讜转 诇讛讻讬专 讜诇讗讛讜讘 讗转 注爪诪讱.
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