Thu 2 February 2023 | 11:00 pm - 11:45 pm
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They say it’s always darkest before the dawn…
And it’s going to be the darkest night in the history of the kingdom..

Sunrise Kingdom are excited to present the dark side of the sun – Midnight Moon.

We invite all the creatures of the night – the draculas, the mummies, the werewolves, the nocturnals, the Frankensteins, the witches and the demons to get lost in the shadows and sounds on a particularly enchanted night 馃
After years of sunrise parties in Midburn, it’s time to say: without a proper night, the sunrise doesn’t turn out the same.
Our DJs will bewitch you with dark magic so that you will be addicted to the beat, until morning.
Join us if you dare

Entry from age 24
Respect your friends and the place, we have 0 patience for inappropriate behavior.

Location: Shalma Rd 38, Tel Aviv-Yafo

讗讜诪专讬诐 砖转诪讬讚 讛讻讬 讞砖讜讱 诇驻谞讬 注诇讜转 讛砖讞专…
讜讝讛 讛讜诇讱 诇讛讬讜转 讛诇讬诇讛 讛讗驻诇 讘讬讜转专 讘转讜诇讚讜转 讛诪诪诇讻讛..

住讗谞专讬讬讝 拽讬谞讙讚讜诐 诪转专讙砖讬诐 诇讛爪讬讙 讗转 讛爪讚 讛讗驻诇 砖诇 讛砖诪砖 – 讬专讞 讞爪讜转.

讗谞讞谞讜 诪讝诪谞讬诐 讗转 讻诇 讬爪讜专讬 讛诇讬诇讛 – 讛讚专拽讜诇讜转, 讛诪讜诪讬讜转, 讗谞砖讬 讛讝讗讘, 讛诇讬诇讬讜转, 讛驻专谞拽砖讟讬讬谞讬诐, 讛诪讻砖驻讜转 讜讛砖讚讬诐 诇诇讻转 诇讗讬讘讜讚 讘爪诇诇讬诐 讜讘爪诇讬诇讬诐 讘诇讬诇讛 诪讻讜砖祝 讘诪讬讜讞讚 馃
讗讞专讬 砖谞讬诐 砖诇 诪住讬讘讜转 讝专讬讞讛 讘诪讬讚讘专谉, 讛讙讬注 讘讝诪谉 砖谞讙讬讚: 讘诇讬 诇讬诇讛 讻诪讜 砖爪专讬讱, 讛讝专讬讞讛 诇讗 讬讜爪讗转 讗讜转讜 讚讘专.
讛讚讬讙壮讬讬诐 砖诇谞讜 讬讻砖驻讜 讗转讻诐 注诐 拽住诪讬诐 讗驻诇讬诐 讻讚讬 砖转转诪讻专讜 诇讘讬讟, 注讚 讛讘讜拽专.
Join us if you dare

讻谞讬住讛 诪讙讬诇 24
讻讘讚讜 讗转 讛讞讘专讬诐 讜讛讞讘专讜转 砖诇讻诐 讜讗转 讛诪拽讜诐, 讬砖 诇谞讜 0 住讘诇谞讜转 诇讛转谞讛讙讜转 讘诇转讬 讛讜诇诪转.
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