Wed 3 July 2019 | 7:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Bitan 2 - Bitan 2, Tel Aviv,

For the first time in Israel – Stone Temple Pilots! ★

The Tel Aviv Trade Fairs Center

Stone Temple Pilots, one of the esteemed rock bands that grew up in the Nineties, arrives in Israel for the first time for only one show (!) In a new tour across Europe.
After the band disbanded in 2002, and its members engaged in independent projects, the members reunited in 2008 for a new tour and released their own album, the latest album made with vocalist Scott Weiland, who died on the bus during the 2015 tour after years of famous struggles with drug addiction. Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington joined the band in May 2013 for only two years.
The original composition remains intact:
Guitars – Dean DeLeo
Bass – Robert DeLeo
Drums – Eric Kretz
And Wyland replaced the current lead singer Jeff Gutt with whom they released their last album in March 2018.

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