Mon 12 September 2022 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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Spirits of Change: The 12th Annual Conference of the Israel Green Building Council
Three years have passed since our last conference and the rate of change has only increased. The Corona epidemic strengthened the understanding of the need for green construction in the space of the home, the building and in the urban public spaces in Israel, and proved that a significant change can be made in a quick and revolutionary way.
In addition, in March of this year there was a significant change in the national policy with the entry into force of the planning and construction regulations requiring green construction throughout the country; This is a positive direction, but from our point of view it is only the beginning of the change in trend required nowadays.
The ‘Spirits of Change’ conference brings a multidisciplinary professional approach while presenting the diverse practice in Israel and the world in the field of planning and construction in Israel and at different scales – from the level of the individual building, to the neighborhood, to the public, urban and metropolitan space.
The conference is an opportunity to meet and receive inspiration from the cutting edge of green construction, innovation and sustainable development in the built space in Israel.
The conference is a fertile ground for creating connections and connections for hundreds of professionals from various disciplines – engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, contractors, project managers, local authorities, government ministries, associations, startups and more who meet to talk about climate challenges and the connection to green construction and sustainable development in the built space in Israel
That’s why we are so excited to meet again in person after three years and engage in these important issues together!
So what’s in the plan?
(The full program – below)
In the morning plenary we will be greeted and hear a fascinating lecture about exciting innovations in the industry at the global level and creating cities for people from a pioneering European institute in the field.
In the future there will be three seats-
The first session will be devoted to institutional preparation for the climate crisis under the guidance of Dr. Dov Hanin, chairman of the Israeli Climate Forum and retired MK
The second session will deal with structural change, preparing for the standard change and the next phase of green construction under the guidance of Naomi Galbert, green construction consultant
The third session will deal with a change of place on urban sustainability and strategies for change in the urban space with concrete examples led by Hila Lotan, urban planner and co-director, Publica
After a break, mingling and lunch we will return to the plenary for a lecture on reducing carbon emissions in construction in the world and in the city-forest and reducing carbon emissions
We will continue with the division into three seats –
The first session will deal with a change of perception and the connection between startups and innovation for green construction, led by Hila Lipman, director of the cleantech, infrastructure and smart industry department
The second session will deal with industrial change and how it is reflected in industrial areas and the industry itself under the guidance of Ruth Avraham, Head of Innovation and Industry at the Israel Green Building Council
The third session will deal with market change, under the guidance of Attorney Nitzan Feldman, Vice President and Director of the Entrepreneurship and Construction Division of the Builders Association of Haaretz
The full program – soon!
If you are interested in promoting green construction in Israel, are curious to understand more about what green construction is and what is happening in the world in this context, want to meet people from a variety of fields who approach the subject from different and varied angles – your place is with us!
To register for the conference>>
We would be happy if you would help us distribute and send to companies and friends or colleagues who are intrigued by green construction.
See you on 12/9/22!
Who we are ?
The Israeli Green Building Council is the leading body in the country in promoting a high-quality, environmental, healthy and accessible built space for all.
We have a community of about 250 companies and organizations from the worlds of planning and construction and of professional unions, local authorities, academics and associations which shares knowledge and practices, promotes common goals through the activities of the council and helps the council to find solutions to obstacles in the field. Through the community we learn about the difficulties and opportunities in real time and promote supportive policies through intensive work with a variety of government ministries.


诇讛专砖诪讛 诇讻谞住>>

专讜讞讜转 砖诇 砖讬谞讜讬: 讛讻谞住 讛砖谞转讬 讛-12 砖诇 讛诪讜注爪讛 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 诇讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛
砖诇讜砖 砖谞讬诐 注讘专讜 诪讗讝 讛讻谞住 讛讗讞专讜谉 砖诇谞讜 讜拽爪讘 讛砖讬谞讜讬讬诐 专拽 讛诇讱 讜讙讘专. 诪讙讬驻转 讛拽讜专讜谞讛 讞讬讝拽讛 讗转 讛讘谞转 讛爪讜专讱 讘讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 讘诪专讞讘 讛讘讬转, 讛讘谞讬讬谉 讜讘诪专讞讘讬诐 讛爪讬讘讜专讬讬诐 讛注讬专讜谞讬讬诐 讘讬砖专讗诇, 讜讛讜讻讬讞讛 讻讬 谞讬转谉 诇注砖讜转 砖讬谞讜讬 诪砖诪注讜转讬 讘讗讜驻谉 诪讛讬专 讜诪讛驻讻谞讬.
讘谞讜住祝, 讘诪专抓 讛砖谞讛 讞诇 砖讬谞讜讬 诪砖诪注讜转讬 讘诪讚讬谞讬讜转 讛诇讗讜诪讬转 注诐 讻谞讬住转谉 诇转讜拽祝 砖诇 转拽谞讜转 讛转讻谞讜谉 讜讛讘谞讬讬讛 讛诪讞讬讬讘讜转 讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 讘讻诇 讛讗专抓; 讝讛讜 讻讬讜讜谉 讞讬讜讘讬 讗讱 诪讘讞讬谞转谞讜 讝讜讛讬 专拽 讛讛转讞诇讛 讘砖讬谞讜讬 讛诪讙诪讛 讛谞讚专砖 讘讬诪讬谞讜.
讛讻谞住 ‘专讜讞讜转 砖诇 砖讬谞讜讬’ 诪讘讬讗 转驻讬住讛 诪拽爪讜注讬转 专讘 转讞讜诪讬转 转讜讱 讛爪讙转 讛注砖讬讬讛 讛诪讙讜讜谞转 讘讗专抓 讜讘注讜诇诐 讘转讞讜诐 讛转讻谞讜谉 讜讛讘谞讬讬讛 讘讬砖专讗诇 讜讘拽谞讬 诪讬讚讛 砖讜谞讬诐- 诪专诪转 讛讘谞讬讬谉 讛讘讜讚讚, 诇砖讻讜谞讛, 诇诪专讞讘 讛爪讬讘讜专讬, 讛注讬专讜谞讬 讜讛诪讟专讜驻讜诇讬谞讬.
讛讻谞住 诪讛讜讜讛 讛讝讚诪谞讜转 诇讛讻讬专 讜诇拽讘诇 讛砖专讗讛 诪讞讜讚 讛讞谞讬转 讘转讞讜诐 讛讘谞讬讬讛 讛讬专讜拽讛, 讞讚砖谞讜转 讜驻讬转讜讞 讘专 拽讬讬诪讗 讘诪专讞讘 讛讘谞讜讬 讘讬砖专讗诇.
讛讻谞住 讛讜讗 讻专 驻讜专讛 诇讬爪讬专转 拽砖专讬诐 讜讞讬讘讜专讬诐 诇诪讗讜转 讗谞砖讬 诪拽爪讜注 诪讚讬住爪讬驻诇讬谞讜转 砖讜谞讜转- 讛谞讚住讛, 讗讚专讬讻诇讜转, 讗讚专讬讻诇讜转 谞讜祝, 拽讘诇谞讬诐, 诪谞讛诇讬 驻专讜讬拽讟讬诐, 专砖讜讬讜转 诪拽讜诪讬讜转, 诪砖专讚讬 诪诪砖诇讛, 注诪讜转讜转, 住讟讗专讟讗驻讬诐 讜注讜讚 讗砖专 谞驻讙砖讬诐 诇讚讘专 注诇 讗转讙专讬 讛讗拽诇讬诐 讜注诇 讛讞讬讘讜专 诇讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 讜诇驻讬转讜讞 讘专 拽讬讬诪讗 讘诪专讞讘 讛讘谞讜讬 讘讬砖专讗诇.
诇讻谉 讗谞讞谞讜 讻诇 讻讱 谞专讙砖讜转 诇讞讝讜专 诇讛讬驻讙砖 驻讬讝讬转 讗讞专讬 砖诇讜砖 砖谞讬诐 讜诇注住讜拽 讘谞讜砖讗讬诐 讛讞砖讜讘讬诐 讛讗诇讛 讘讬讞讚!
讗讝 诪讛 讘转讻谞讬转?
(讛转讜讻谞讬讬讛 讛诪诇讗讛 – 讘讛诪砖讱 )
讘诪诇讬讗转 讘讜拽专 谞讘专讱 讜谞砖诪注 讛专爪讗讛 诪专转拽转 注诇 讞讬讚讜砖讬诐 诪专讙砖讬诐 讘注谞祝 讘专诪讛 讛讙诇讜讘诇讬转 讜讬爪讬专转 注专讬诐 诇讗谞砖讬诐 诪诪讻讜谉 讗讬专讜驻讗讬 驻讜专抓 讚专讱 讘转讞讜诐.
讘讛诪砖讱 讬讛讬讜 砖诇讜砖讛 诪讜砖讘讬诐-
讛诪讜砖讘 讛专讗砖讜谉 讬讜拽讚砖 诇讛讬注专讻讜转 诪讜住讚讬转 诇诪砖讘专 讛讗拽诇讬诐 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讚”专 讚讘 讞谞讬谉 讬讜”专 驻讜专讜诐 讛讗拽诇讬诐 讛讬砖专讗诇讬 讜讞”讻 讘讚讬诪讜住
讛诪讜砖讘 讛砖谞讬 讬注住讜拽 讘砖讬谞讜讬 诪讘谞讬, 讘讛讬注专讻讜转 诇砖讬谞讜讬 讛转拽谉 讜讘砖诇讘 讛讘讗 砖诇 讛讘谞讬讬讛 讛讬专讜拽讛 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 谞注诪讬 讙诇讘专讟, 讬讜注爪转 诇讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛
讛诪讜砖讘 讛砖诇讬砖讬 讬注住讜拽 讘砖讬谞讜讬 诪拽讜诐 注诇 拽讬讬诪讜转 注讬专讜谞讬转 讜讗住讟专讟讙讬讜转 诇砖讬谞讜讬 讘诪专讞讘 讛注讬专讜谞讬 注诐 讚讜讙诪讗讜转 拽讜谞拽专讟讬讜转 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讛讬诇讛 诇讜讟谉, 诪转讻谞谞转 注专讬诐 讜诪谞讛诇转 砖讜转驻讛, 驻讗讘诇讬拽讛
诇讗讞专 讛驻住拽讛, 诪讬谞讙诇讬谞讙 讜讗专讜讞转 讛爪讛专讬讬诐 谞讞讝讜专 诇诪诇讬讗讛 诇讛专爪讗讛 注诇 爪诪爪讜诐 驻诇讬讟讜转 驻讞诪谉 讘讘谞讬讬讛 讘注讜诇诐 讜讘讬注专-注讬专 讜讛驻讞转转 驻诇讬讟讜转 驻讞诪谉
谞诪砖讬讱 讘讞诇讜拽讛 诇砖诇讜砖讛 诪讜砖讘讬诐 –
讛诪讜砖讘 讛专讗砖讜谉 讬注住讜拽 讘砖讬谞讜讬 转驻讬住讛 讜讘拽砖专 讘讬谉 住讟讗专讟讗驻讬诐 讜讞讚砖谞讜转 诇讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛, 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讛讬诇讛 诇讬驻诪谉, 诪谞讛诇转 讗讙祝 拽诇讬谞讟拽, 转砖转讬讜转 讜转注砖讬讬讛 讞讻诪讛
讛诪讜砖讘 讛砖谞讬 讬注住讜拽 讘砖讬谞讜讬 转注砖讬讬转讬 讜讗讬讱 讝讛 讘讗 诇讬讚讬 讘讬讟讜讬 讘讗讬讝讜专讬 转注砖讬讬讛 讜讘转注砖讬讬讛 注爪诪讛 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 专讜转 讗讘专讛诐, 专讗砖 转讞讜诐 讞讚砖谞讜转 讜转注砖讬讬讛 讘诪讜注爪讛 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 诇讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛
讛诪讜砖讘 讛砖诇讬砖讬 讬注住讜拽 讘砖讬谞讜讬 砖讜拽, 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 注讜”讚 谞讬爪谉 驻诇讚诪谉 , 住诪谞讻”诇讬转 讜诪谞讛诇转 讗讙祝 讬讝诪讜转 讜讘谞讬讬讛 讛转讗讞讚讜转 讛拽讘诇谞讬诐 讘讜谞讬 讛讗专抓
讛转讻谞讬讛 讛诪诇讗讛 – 讘拽专讜讘!
讗诐 诪注谞讬讬谉 讗讜转讱 诇拽讚诐 讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 讘讗专抓, 住拽专谞讬转 诇讛讘讬谉 注讜讚 诇讙讘讬 诪讛 讝讜 讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 讜诪讛 拽讜专讛 讘注讜诇诐 讘讛拽砖专 讛讝讛, 专讜爪讛 诇驻讙讜砖 讗谞砖讬诐 诪诪讙讜讜谉 转讞讜诪讬诐 砖诪讙讬注讬诐 诇谞讜砖讗 诪讝讜讜讬讜转 砖讜谞讜转 讜诪讙讜讜谞讜转 – 讛诪拽讜诐 砖诇讱 讗转谞讜!
诇讛专砖诪讛 诇讻谞住>>
谞砖诪讞 讗诐 转注讝专讜 诇谞讜 诇讛驻讬抓 讜转砖诇讞讜 诇讞讘专讜转 讜讞讘专讬诐 讗讜 诇拽讜诇讙讜转 砖讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 诪住拽专谞转 讗讜转诐.
谞转专讗讛 讘12/9/22!
诪讬 讗谞讞谞讜 ?
讛诪讜注爪讛 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 诇讘谞讬讬讛 讬专讜拽讛 讛讬讗 讛讙讜祝 讛诪讜讘讬诇 讘讗专抓 讘拽讬讚讜诐 诪专讞讘 讘谞讜讬 讗讬讻讜转讬, 住讘讬讘转讬, 讘专讬讗 讜谞讙讬砖 诇讻诇.
讬砖 诇谞讜 拽讛讬诇讛 砖诇 讻-250 讞讘专讜转 讜讗专讙讜谞讬诐 诪注讜诇诪讜转 讛转讻谞讜谉 讜讛讘谞讬讬讛 讜砖诇 讗讬讙讜讚讬诐 诪拽爪讜注讬讬诐, 专砖讜讬讜转 诪拽讜诪讬讜转, 讗拽讚诪讬讜转 讜注诪讜转讜转 讗砖专 讞讜诇拽转 讬讚注 讜驻专拽讟讬拽讜转, 诪拽讚诪转 讘讗诪爪注讜转 驻注讬诇讜转 讛诪讜注爪讛 诪讟专讜转 诪砖讜转驻讜转 讜谞注讝专转 讘诪讜注爪讛 诇诪爪讬讗转 驻转专讜谞讜转 诇讞住诪讬诐 讘砖讟讞. 讚专讱 讛拽讛讬诇讛 讗谞讜 诇讜诪讚讬诐 注诇 讛拽砖讬讬诐 讜讛讛讝讚诪谞讜讬讜转 讘讝诪谉 讗诪转 讜诪拽讚诪讬诐 诪讚讬谞讬讜转 转讜诪讻转 讚专讱 注讘讜讚讛 讗讬谞讟谞住讬讘讬转 注诐 诪讙讜讜谉 诪砖专讚讬 讛诪诪砖诇讛.
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