Wed 22 March 2023 | 9:00 pm - 11:30 pm
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Happily and joyfully arriving on march 22nd to the state of mesmerizing electric debut show!

Special gests- Jazz, Noya Yifat

Kuli Alma
Door open – 21:00
Show – 22:30
Free entrance

Shirej is an electric-pop duo that was established by Shiran Karny and Regev Baruch.
When the world stoped they dug into the Abelton and spent the Covid closures with a mac, a mic, plug-ins and good food

The legendary drummer goes into an S.P.D mode in Rabak and the pregnant singer is raging like Rihanna at the Super Bowl messing with sound effects that will send you shivers.

Clip 1:
Clip 2:

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驻转讬讞转 讚诇转讜转 21:00
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