Sun 28 May 2023 | 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm
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Remember when we used to celebrate Shavuot with water wars? In HaGra, the water is replaced with…. Vodka!馃

Shavuot after party 馃嵏馃嵐

After we ate a lot of cheeses, pies and pastas…. how sakhi can you be?!
How about taking it down with a good arak in Twis with herbs?
Or vodka with shake?

Ziv Manor, who has already had a few drinks in his life, will give us an alcohol and cocktail workshop that will bring the twist

*** from the age of 18 and over ***

Ticket cost: 50 NIS
For residents of Neve Shanan, entry is free with early registration!
Dear residents! Please do not order more than 2 tickets per person, we want more people to enjoy…
To purchase tickets >>

If you run out of tickets and there is a problem, please contact us and we will solve it 馃檪 052-3055893 The Gra

Ha Gra community coordinator
28 Hagra St., Neve Shanan Tel. 03-7242942

Accessibility: elevator near the entrance stairs to the building and disabled services.
Assistive systems for the visually impaired and blind (STEPHEAR) and for the hearing impaired and hard of hearing (INFRA). In order to use the auxiliary systems, contact the secretariat about fifteen minutes before the start of the event.

讝讜讻专讬诐 砖驻注诐 讛讬讬谞讜 讞讜讙讙讬诐 讗转 砖讘讜注讜转 讘诪诇讞诪讜转 诪讬诐?
讘讛讙专”讗 诪讞诇讬驻讬诐 讗转 讛诪讬诐 讘…. 讜讜讚拽讛!馃

讗驻讟专 驻讗专讟讬 砖讘讜注讜转馃嵏馃嵐

讗讞专讬 砖讗讻诇谞讜 诪诇讗讗讗讗 讙讘讬谞讜转, 驻砖讟讬讚讜转 讜驻住讟讜转…. 讻诪讛 住讞讬 讗驻砖专 诇讛讬讜转?!
诪讛 注诐 诇讛讜专讬讚 讗转 讝讛 注诐 注专拽 讟讜讘 讘讟讜讜讬住 注诐 注砖讘讬 转讬讘讜诇 ?
讗讜 讜讜讚拽讛 注诐 砖讬拽砖讜拽 ?

讝讬讜 诪谞讜专 砖讻讘专 注讘专 讻诪讛 诪砖拽讗讜转 讘讞讬讬诐 讬注讘讬专 诇谞讜 住讚谞转 讗诇讻讜讛讜诇 讜拽讜拽讟讬讬诇讬诐 砖转讘讬讗 讗转 讛讟讜讬住讟

*** 诪讙讬诇 18 讜诪注诇讛 ***

注诇讜转 讻专讟讬住: 50 砖”讞
诇转讜砖讘讬 谞讜讜讛 砖讗谞谉 讛讻谞讬住讛 讛讬讗 讞讬谞诐 讘专讬砖讜诐 诪讜拽讚诐!
转讜砖讘讜转 讜转讜砖讘讬诐 讬拽专讬诐! 讘讘拽砖讛 诇讗 诇讛讝诪讬谉 讬讜转专 诪 2 讻专讟讬住讬诐 诇讗讚诐 讗谞讞谞讜 专讜爪讬诐 砖注讜讚 讗谞砖讬诐 讬讛谞讜…
讜讗诐 讘住讜祝 诇讗 诪讙讬注讬诐? 诪注讚讻谞讬诐! 讻讚讬 砖谞讜讚讬注 诇砖讗专 讛砖讻谞讬诐…
诇专讻讬砖转 讻专讟讬住讬诐 >>

讜讗诐 谞讙诪专讜 讛讻专讟讬住讬诐 讜讬砖 讘注讬讛 讗谞讗 爪专讜 讗讬转谞讜 拽砖专 砖谞驻转讜专 讗讜转讛 馃檪 052-3055893 讛讙专”讗

专讻讝 拽讛讬诇转讬 讛讙专”讗
专讞’ 讛讙专”讗 28, 谞讜讛 砖讗谞谉 讟诇’ 03-7242942

讞谞讬讛: 讻讞讜诇 诇讘谉
讞谞讬讜谞讬诐 拽专讜讘讬诐: 讞谞讬讜谉 讛专爪讬驻讬诐 讘专讞’ 住诇讜诪讜谉 讜讛讞谞讬讜谉 讘专讞’ 讗讬讬诇转 讛砖讞专.
转讞讘讜专讛 爪讬讘讜专讬转: 讻诇 讛拽讜讜讬诐 讛诪讙讬注讬诐 诇爪讜诪转 讛诪住讙专.

谞讙讬砖讜转: 诪注诇讬转 诇讬讚 诪讚专讙讜转 讛讻谞讬住讛 诇诪讘谞讛 讜砖讬专讜转讬 谞讻讬诐.
诪注专讻讜转 注讝专 诇诇拽讜讬讬 专讗讬讬讛 讜诇注讬讜讜专讬诐 (STEPHEAR) 讜诇诇拽讜讬讬 讜讻讘讚讬 砖诪讬注讛 (讗讬谞驻专讗). 诇爪讜专讱 砖讬诪讜砖 讘诪注专讻讜转 讛注讝专 讬砖 诇驻谞讜转 诇诪讝讻讬专讜转 讻专讘注 砖注讛 诇驻谞讬 转讞讬诇转 讛讗讬专讜注.
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