Wed 29 September 2021 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Cafe Shapira - Ralbag 15, Tel Aviv,

On Wednesday, September 29, we will screen Yehudit Kahana’s new film – “Go Go”, which was released this year.

After the film, there will be a meeting with the film’s creator and heroine, Yehudit Kahana.

Judith Kahana grew up on the hills of Samaria. She was considered a classic “hill girl”: she took part in the struggle against the evacuation of Gush Katif, took part in the establishment of outposts, was one of the young men and women for whom this land is sacred, and is worth every price. But as she grew older, something cracked in her feelings for this land, which had become bloody.

Judith embarks on a journey to find answers to questions that have begun to nest in her: she confronts her mother, who hoped that her daughter would continue on the path she had paved; She looks back at the religious leaders she so adored and they betrayed her.

Judith is torn between the land, which calls for her to stay, and an inner voice asking her to leave and find a new home.

where and when?
Wednesday, 29.9, Cafe Shapira, Ralbag 15 Tel Aviv
20:00 Gathering
20:30 starting

Admission is free!

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讘专讘讬注讬, 29.9, 谞拽专讬谉 讘拽驻讛 砖驻讬专讗 讗转 住专讟讛 讛讞讚砖 砖诇 讬讛讜讚讬转 讻讛谞讗 – “诇讻讬 诇讱”, 砖讬爪讗 诪诪砖 讛砖谞讛.

诇讗讞专 讛住专讟 讬转拽讬讬诐 诪驻讙砖 注诐 讬讜爪专转 讜讙讬讘讜专转 讛住专讟, 讬讛讜讚讬转 讻讛谞讗.

讬讛讜讚讬转 讻讛谞讗 讙讚诇讛 注诇 讙讘注讜转 讛砖讜诪专讜谉. 讛讬讗 谞讞砖讘讛 “谞注专转 讙讘注讜转” 拽诇讗住讬转: 讛砖转转驻讛 讘诪讗讘拽 谞讙讚 驻讬谞讜讬 讙讜砖 拽讟讬祝, 谞讟诇讛 讞诇拽 讘讛拽诪转 诪讗讞讝讬诐, 谞诪谞转讛 注诐 讛爪注讬专讜转 讜讛爪注讬专讬诐 砖注讘讜专诐 讛讗讚诪讛 讛讝讜 讛讬讗 诪拽讜讚砖转, 讜砖讜讜讛 讻诇 诪讞讬专. 讗诇讗 砖注诐 讛转讘讙专讜转讛, 诪砖讛讜 谞住讚拽 讘专讙砖讜转讬讛 讗诇 讛讗讚诪讛 讛讝讜, 砖讛驻讻讛 注拽讜讘讛 诪讚诐.

讬讛讜讚讬转 讬讜爪讗转 诇诪住注 讻讚讬 诇诪爪讜讗 转砖讜讘讜转 诇砖讗诇讜转 砖讛讞诇讜 诇拽谞谉 讘讛: 讛讬讗 诪转注诪转转 注诐 讗诪讛, 砖拽讬讜讜转讛 砖讘转讛 转诪砖讬讱 讘讚专讱 砖谞住诇诇讛 诇讛; 讛讬讗 诪转讘讜谞谞转 诪讞讚砖 注诇 讛诪谞讛讬讙讬诐 讛讚转讬讬诐 砖讻诇-讻讱 讛注专讬爪讛 讜讛诐 讘讙讚讜 讘讛.

讬讛讜讚讬转 拽专讜注讛 讘讬谉 讛讗讚诪讛, 砖拽讜专讗转 诇讛 诇讛讬砖讗专, 诇讘讬谉 拽讜诇 驻谞讬诪讬 砖诪讘拽砖 诪诪谞讛 诇注讝讜讘 讜诇诪爪讜讗 讘讬转 讞讚砖.

讗讬驻讛 讜诪转讬?
专讘讬注讬, 29.9, 拽驻讛 砖驻讬专讗, 专诇讘”讙 15 转”讗
20:00 讛转讻谞住讜转
20:30 诪转讞讬诇讬诐

讛讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转!

拽专讚讬讟讬诐 讜诪讬讚注 谞讜住祝:
讬砖专讗诇, 2021, 55 讚拽讜转
讘讬诪讜讬 讜讛驻拽讛: 讬讛讜讚讬转 讻讛谞讗
爪讬诇讜诐: 注讚讬 诪讜讝住, 注谞讘专 拽诇讬谞讙诇
注专讬讻讛: 砖专讜谉 讬注讬砖
注专讬讻转 驻住 拽讜诇: 诪讬讻讗诇 讙讜专讘讬抓壮
诪讜讝讬拽讛 诪拽讜专讬转: 砖专讜谉 专讬讬讝
讙讜驻讬诐 转讜诪讻讬诐: 讛拽专谉 讛讞讚砖讛 诇拽讜诇谞讜注 讜讟诇讜讜讬讝讬讛, 诪驻注诇 讛驻讬住, yes 讚讜拽讜
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