Sat 30 July 2022 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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The classic American western was a response to a nation that was born and worshiped myths. “Culture
The American “book” has been analyzed more than any other cultural aspect in cinema, and rightly so. No myth
It was an artistic breakthrough just as the Western was to cinema. The western was the most important genre in cinema for about 60 years. He became synonymous with cinema in general, and as such also a success story in the entire world. The “Wild West” has become a cultural and valuable iron sheep asset in all corners of the world, and he had a considerable contribution to the fact that the world has become very small from a cultural point of view, its borders, they flexed and it became more homogeneous.
In the early 1960s, the Westerners disappeared. At the same time, in 1965, the film “For a Fistful of Dollars” appeared from the Italian director Sergio Leone and started a tremendous wave of success of Westerns of a different kind. These were called “Spaghetti Westerns” because of their Italian origin. What happened?
Filmmaker Asher Levy will talk to us about this question on the side
Being aesthetic is completely political and on this occasion we will deal with concepts such as neocolonialism
and postcolonialism as they come to be expressed in “spaghetti westerns”.

A Fistful of Dollars/1964/Italy/USA/Sergio Leone/99 minutes/English with English subtitles

Left Bank Cine Club – Ahad Ha’am 70


讛诪注专讘讜谉 讛讗诪专讬拽讗讬 讛拽诇讗住讬 讛讬讛 诪注谞讛 诇讗讜诪讛 砖讗讱 讝讛 谞讜诇讚讛 讜砖讬讜讜注讛 诇诪讬转讜住讬诐. ” 转专讘讜转
讛住驻专” 讛讗诪专讬拽谞讬转 谞讜转讞讛 讬讜转专 诪讻诇 讗住驻拽讟 转专讘讜转讬 讗讞专 讘拽讜诇谞讜注 , 讜讘爪讚拽. 砖讜诐 诪讬转讜住 诇讗
讛讬讛 诪驻专讛 讗诪谞讜转讬 讻砖诐 砖讛讬讛 讛诪注专讘讜谉 诇拽讜诇谞讜注. 讛诪注专讘讜谉 讛讬讛 诇讝’讗谞专 讛讞砖讜讘 讘拽讜诇谞讜注
诇诪砖讱 讻 60 砖谞讛. 讛讜讗 讛驻讱 诇砖诐 谞专讚祝 砖诇 讛拽讜诇谞讜注 讘讻诇诇, 讜讘转讜专 砖讻讝讛 讙诐 诇住讬驻讜专 讛爪诇讞讛
讘注讜诇诐 讻讜诇讜. “讛诪注专讘 讛驻专讜注” 讛驻讱 诇讛讬讜转 谞讻住 爪讗谉 讘专讝诇 注专讻讬 讜转专讘讜转讬 讘讻诇 拽爪讜讜讬 转讘诇,
讜讛讬讬转讛 诇讜 转专讜诪讛 谞讬讻专转 诇注讜讘讚讛 砖讛注讜诇诐 讛驻讱 拽讟谉 诪讗讚 诪讛讘讞讬谞讛 讛转专讘讜转讬转, 讙讘讜诇讜转讬讜
讛转讙诪砖讜 讜讛讜讗 讛驻讱 讬讜转专 讛讜诪讜讙谞讬.
讘转讞讬诇转 砖谞讜转 讛60 谞注诇诪讜 讛诪注专讘讜谞讬诐. 讘诪拽讘讬诇 讛讜驻讬注 讘 1965 讛住专讟 “讘注讘讜专 讞讜驻谉 讚讜诇专讬诐”
砖诇 讛讘诪讗讬 讛讗讬讟诇拽讬 住专讙’讬讜 诇讬讗讜谞讛 讜驻转讞 讙诇 讛爪诇讞讛 讗讚讬专 砖诇 诪注专讘讜谞讬诐 诪住讜讙 讗讞专. 讗诇讛 讻讜谞讜
“诪注专讘讜谞讬 住驻讙讟讬” 注诇 砖讜诐 诪讜爪讗诐 讛讗讬讟诇拽讬. 诪讛 拽专讛? 讛拽讜诇谞讜注谉 讗砖专 诇讜讬 讬讚讘专 讗转谞讜 注诇 讛砖讗诇讛 讛讝讜 砖讘爪讚
讛讬讜转讛 讗住转讟讬转 讛讬讗 驻讜诇讬讟讬转 诇讙诪专讬 讜讘讛讝讚诪谞讜转 讝讜 谞注住讜拽 讘诪讜砖讙讬诐 讻诪讜 谞讬讗讜拽讜诇讜谞讬讗诇讬讝诐
讜驻讜住讟拽讜诇讜谞讬讗诇讬讝诐 讻驻讬 砖讛诐 讘讗讬诐 诇讻诇诇 讘讬讟讜讬 讘”诪注专讘讜谞讬 讛住驻讙讟讬”.

讘注讘讜专 讞讜驻谉 讚讜诇专讬诐/1964/讗讬讟诇讬讛/讗专讛”讘/住专讙’讬讜 诇讬讗讜谞讛/99 讚拽讜转/讗谞讙诇讬转 注诐 讻转讜讘讬讜转 讘讗谞讙诇讬转
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