Sat 11 September 2021 | 4:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Mondo 2000 - Levinsky 36, Tel Aviv, 60 NIS

There are ponies in the Levinsky market. There used to be days when Levinsky Market was not a pedestrian mall.

Vendor trucks block traffic, trolley bikes with rolls of cloth disrupt the flow, the sidewalks are crowded, the road slots are full of olive oil. Street market. Wild west. And as in the Wild West the merchants wanted to use horses to transport goods, but amid the great hustle and bustle of the Levinsky Market, standard horses could not get along.

It so happened that on the roof above the market, understand that we need to import directly from space, ponies, smaller, stronger, ones that can cope with the chaos of southern Tel Aviv. Ponies are also happier, more culinary, more beautiful. Legend has it that they are the ones who brought this special vibe that is so identified with Lewinsky.

One morning, the municipality put up pillars and created a sidewalk, the carts and trucks disappeared, replaced by chairs and umbrellas, the rush was replaced by family tours between the shops, and the ponies only had to be really pretty, and wait for Midburn.

So they decided to go up to the roof over the market, there in Mondo 2000 they will be able to shine and gallop in all their glory, celebrate life and fun, raise funds and energies for the impending Midburn, to express their and their riders’ craziness, the art, the happy musical content, and for one day to remind market people, that even when he is on the sidewalk, there are available horses in Lewinsky.

Lewinsky 39
6th floor
Super pampering food menu
Elevators open at 4 p.m.

Tickets at the entrance will cost 60 NIS
Entry from the age of 24 and according to the green sign guidelines.

The world is a pony, we only have to ride it.

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讻讱 拽专讛 砖讘讙讙 诪注诇 讛砖讜拽,
讛讘讬谞讜 砖爪专讬讱 诇讬讬讘讗 讛讬讬砖专 诪讛讞诇诇, 住讜住讬 驻讜谞讬, 拽讟谞讬诐 讬讜转专, 讞讝拽讬诐 讬讜转专, 讻讗诇讛 砖讬讜讻诇讜 诇讛住转讚专 讘讻讗讜住 讛讚专讜诐 转诇 讗讘讬讘讬.
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讗讝 讛诐 讛讞诇讬讟讜 诇注诇讜转 诇讙讙 诪注诇 讛砖讜拽,
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讜诇讬讜诐 讗讞讚 诇讛讝讻讬专 诇讗谞砖讬 讛砖讜拽,
砖讙诐 讻砖讛讜讗 诪讚专讞讜讘,
讬砖 住讜住讬 驻谞讜讬 讘诇讜讬谞住拽讬.

诇讜讬谞住拽讬 39
拽讜诪讛 6
转驻专讬讟 讗讜讻诇 住讜驻专 诪驻谞拽
驻转讬讞转 诪注诇讬讜转 讘16:00

讻专讟讬住讬诐 讘讻谞讬住讛 讬注诇讜 60 砖状讞
讻谞讬住讛 诪讙讬诇 24 讜注诇 驻讬 讛谞讞讬讜转 讛转讜 讛讬专讜拽.
讛注讜诇诐 讛讜讗 住讜住 驻讜谞讬,
诇谞讜 谞砖讗专 专拽 诇专讻讘 注诇讬讜.
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