Mon 6 March 2023 | 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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The Purim Kiki Ball 2.0
Purim kickball ball 馃幁

We call you, everyone who feels the need for a safe space, for self-expression and inspiration. Come as you are (and as the category asks) and be part of the amazing community we are building together. Whether it is to participate, watch or even out of curiosity, come and enjoy with us in this magical space.

The “ballroom” scene began in New York in the 1960s, in order to provide a safe space designed and created for and by those who did not feel safe and were discriminated against in other spaces, especially black and Latina trans women who were also the pioneers and founders of this culture.
“Bulrom” is an underground scene where black and Latina women on the LGBT spectrum can express themselves freely and compete for trophies and cash prizes.

The ball is already a tradition and an integral part of the activity at the Gra Community Center where Vogue Fam classes, Old Way classes, New Way classes, workshops and more are held!
For all voguing >>

The Gra Community Center
28 Hagra St Tel. 03-7242942

Date: Monday, 6.3.23
Opening doors – 18:00
Start – 19:00
Ticket cost: 30 NIS
Early purchase: 20 NIS
To purchase tickets>>

* There will be no sale of alcohol. Bring the drink you want 鉂わ笍

Parking: blue and white
Nearby parking lots: the platforms parking lot on Salomon St. and the parking lot on Ayelet HaShahar St.
Public transport: all lines that reach the Mesgar intersection.
Accessibility: elevator near the entrance stairs to the building.
Assistive systems for the visually impaired and blind (STEPHEAR) and for the hearing impaired and hard of hearing (INFRA). In order to use the auxiliary systems, you must contact the secretariat about fifteen minutes before the start of the lecture.


The Purim Kiki Ball 2.0
谞砖祝 拽讬拽讬讘讜诇 驻讜专讬诐 馃幁

讗谞讞谞讜 诪转专讙砖讬诐.讜转 诇讛讝诪讬谉 讗转讻诐.谉 诇谞砖祝 讛拽讬拽讬 讘诪专讻讝 拽讛讬诇转讬 讛讙专”讗 – 谞讜讛 砖讗谞谉!

讗谞讞谞讜 拽讜专讗讜转 诇讻诐.谉, 讻诇 诪讬 砖诪专讙讬砖.讛 讗转 讛爪讜专讱 诇诪专讞讘 讘讟讜讞, 诇讘讬讟讜讬 注爪诪讬 讜诇讛砖专讗讛. 讘讜讗讜 讻诪讜 砖讗转诐.谉 (讜讻诪讜 砖讛拽讟讙讜专讬讛 诪讘拽砖转) 讜转讛讬讜 讞诇拽 诪讛拽讛讬诇讛 讛诪讚讛讬诪讛 砖讗谞讞谞讜 讘讜谞讬诐.讜转 讬讞讚. 讘讬谉 讗诐 讝讛 讘诪讟专讛 诇讛砖转转祝, 诇爪驻讜转 讗讜 讗驻讬诇讜 诪转讜讱 住拽专谞讜转, 讘讜讗讜 讜转讛谞讜 讗讬转谞讜 讘诪专讞讘 讛拽住讜诐 讛讝讛.

住爪谞转 讛状讘讜诇专讜诐状 讛转讞讬诇讛 讘谞讬讜 讬讜专拽 讘砖谞讜转 讛-60 砖诇 讛诪讗讛 讛拽讜讚诪转, 注诇 诪谞转 诇住驻拽 诪专讞讘 讘讟讜讞 砖谞讜注讚 讜谞讜爪专 讘砖讘讬诇 讜注状讬 讗诇讜 砖诇讗 讛专讙讬砖讜 讘讟讜讞讬诐.讜转 讜讛讜驻诇讜 讘诪专讞讘讬诐 讗讞专讬诐, 讘诪讬讜讞讚 谞砖讬诐 讟专谞住讬讜转 砖讞讜专讜转 讜诇讟讬谞讬讜转 砖讙诐 讛讬讜 讛讞诇讜爪讜转 讜讛诪拽讬诪讜转 砖诇 转专讘讜转 讝讜.
状讘讜诇专讜诐状 讛讬讗 住爪谞转 讗谞讚专讙专讗讜谞讚 砖讘讛 讗.谞砖讬诐 砖讞讜专讬诐.讜转 讜诇讟讬谞讬诐.讜转 注诇 讛拽砖转 讛诇讛讟状讘拽讬转 讬讻讜诇讬诐.讜转 诇讛讘讬注 讗转 注爪诪诐.谉 讘讞讜驻砖讬讜转 讜诇讛转讞专讜转 注诇 讙讘讬注讬诐 讜驻专住讬诐 讻住驻讬讬诐.
讛住爪谞讛 讜讛转专讘讜转 讛转驻转讞讜 讜讛转专讞讘讜 讘诪讛诇讱 讛砖谞讬诐, 讘讬诪讬诐 讗诇讜 状讘讜诇专讜诐状 讛讜驻讱 诇讛讬讜转 讬讜转专 讜讬讜转专 驻讜驻讜诇专讬 讘诪讬讬谞住讟专讬诐 讜讛转驻砖讟 诇诪拽讜诪讜转 砖讜谞讬诐 讘专讞讘讬 讛注讜诇诐 讻诇 讛讚专讱 注讚 诇讗专抓.

讛谞砖祝 讛讜讗 讻讘专 诪住讜专转 讜讞诇拽 讘诇转讬 谞驻专讚 诪讛驻注讬诇讜转 讘诪专讻讝 拽讛讬诇转讬 讛讙专”讗 讘讜 诪转拽讬讬诪讬诐 砖讬注讜专讬 讜讜讙 驻讗诐, 砖讬注讜专讬 讗讜诇讚 讜讜讬, 谞讬讜 讜讜讗讬, 住讚谞讗讜转 讜注讜讚!
诇讻诇 讛讜讜讙讬谞讙 >>

诪专讻讝 拽讛讬诇转讬 讛讙专”讗
专讞’ 讛讙专”讗 28, 谞讜讛 砖讗谞谉 讟诇’ 03-7242942

转讗专讬讱: 讬讜诐 砖谞讬, 6.3.23
驻转讬讞转 讚诇转讜转 – 18:00
诪转讞讬诇讬诐 – 19:00
注诇讜转 讻专讟讬住: 30 砖”讞
讘专讻讬砖讛 诪讜拽讚诪转: 20 砖”讞
诇专讻讬砖转 讻专讟讬住讬诐>>

* 诇讗 转转拽讬讬诐 诪讻讬专转 讗诇讻讜讛讜诇. 转讘讬讗讜 讗转 讛砖转讬讬讛 砖讘讗 诇讻诐鉂わ笍

讞谞讬讛: 讻讞讜诇 诇讘谉
讞谞讬讜谞讬诐 拽专讜讘讬诐: 讞谞讬讜谉 讛专爪讬驻讬诐 讘专讞’ 住诇讜诪讜谉 讜讛讞谞讬讜谉 讘专讞’ 讗讬讬诇转 讛砖讞专.
转讞讘讜专讛 爪讬讘讜专讬转: 讻诇 讛拽讜讜讬诐 讛诪讙讬注讬诐 诇爪讜诪转 讛诪住讙专.
谞讙讬砖讜转: 诪注诇讬转 诇讬讚 诪讚专讙讜转 讛讻谞讬住讛 诇诪讘谞讛.
诪注专讻讜转 注讝专 诇诇拽讜讬讬 专讗讬讬讛 讜诇注讬讜讜专讬诐 (STEPHEAR) 讜诇诇拽讜讬讬 讜讻讘讚讬 砖诪讬注讛 (讗讬谞驻专讗). 诇爪讜专讱 砖讬诪讜砖 讘诪注专讻讜转 讛注讝专 讬砖 诇驻谞讜转 诇诪讝讻讬专讜转 讻专讘注 砖注讛 诇驻谞讬 转讞讬诇转 讛讛专爪讗讛.


馃弳Virgin Performance vs Baby Vogue
Whether you鈥檙e a beginner or a virgin to this category – show
us you know the elements and the essence of vogue.

馃弳Sing off
You know you got that voice? Come to the runway and sing awffff!

馃弳Kiki Labels
Creatively sell your outfit, show us how fab you look in Vintage clothes, Asos, Primark, Fashion Nova, you name it! Bring a receipt for extra credit & show us what a bargain hunter you are!

馃弳Tag Team Runway
*One Begginner, One Experienced
Show us your best runway walk (American or European) while showing off and feeling confident in your garment. Get your poses ready and strut.

馃弳OTA Face
Serve face by showing us your features: smile, teeth, nose, cheek bones, symmetry.
Basically show off that pretty face.

馃弳FQ Face – Cash Prize 馃挵
(Face category for trans women)

馃弳Hands Performance vs Arms Control with a prop

馃弳OTA Lipsync

*you don鈥檛 have to be in drag but you do have to know how to lipsync.

10s songs:
*choose one of the 3 songs below for your 10s.

Majida El Roumi – Bal Kalb Khaleny

Dana International – Love Boy

Lady Gaga – Born This Way

Battles songs:
*you have to know both of the songs below in order to battle.

Beyonc茅 – Resentment

Rihanna – Only Girl

馃弳Vogue To Anything

For more information you can follow @Voguenighttlv on Instagram
Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

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