Thu 10 March 2022 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Port of Haifa - Port of Haifa, Haifa,

Port 2 Port Festival returns to the port of Haifa!

After an unforgettable experience in 2019,
Port 2 Port Festival returns to the industrial spaces of the Port of Haifa city for a larger, more powerful and electrifying edition!

12 hours, 4 Stages the best artists of electronic music in Israel and around the world and a variety of lighting and art installations, join a dream rave in one of the most breathtaking locations in Israel.

Port2Port 2022
Electronic Music and Arts Festival
10 March 2022
Port of Haifa

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Anfisa Letyago, Anna Haleta, Argy, The Blaze (DJ set), Bias Tees, Chaim x Jenia Tarsol, Dan Mayo, Deep’a, Dor Danino, Garden City Movement ft. Lola Marsh, Julic, Kid Francescoli, Kino Todo, Losha Sh, Made in TLV, Maj, Metra + vj Vajj, Mind Against, Mita Gami, Noya, Pan-Pot, Prz, Red Axes, Rony Group, Trikk

Showcases :

* BPM College
* Kuli Alma (DiscoTopia – DJ MOSH, NOAH, Omri Bismut)
* Hashmaliko (Yaniv Ohana + Mosko)
* Roots (Shai Sensi + Moxidean)
* Kok Schok (Dina,Haim Vitali b2b Miss Boss)
* Boidem (Redler, MI-YA-RA, Rakovsky, Akerman, Sagi Benita)
* Gag 21 (Wasse, Ali Chive)
* Space Jam (Adva, Amir Pe’er讈)

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