Thu 18 January 2024 | 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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Piris Eliyahu, the tar player and one of the most fascinating and unique creators in the field of art music in Israel, in a new and intriguing show; A mesmerizing musical journey that extends from the world of Hebrew mysticism to the realms of emotion and imagination.


It is an extraordinary contemporary work that connects the aesthetics of classical music with the avant-garde of modern music, and breaks the ground for a new musical genre “post East West”.

The instrumental performances in the show combine with vocal singing to texts from ancient Jewish literature: the book “Psalms” and the “Book of Creation”

驻专抓 讗诇讬讛讜, 谞讙谉 讛讟讗专 讜讗讞讚 讛讬讜爪专讬诐 讛诪专转拽讬诐 讜讛讬讬讞讜讚讬讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讛诪讜住讬拽讛 讛讗诪谞讜转讬转 讘讗专抓, 讘诪讜驻注 讞讚砖 讜诪住拽专谉; 诪住注 诪讜住讬拽诇讬 诪讛驻谞讟 讛诪砖转专注 诪注讜诇诐 讛诪讬住讟讬拽讛 讛注讘专讬 讗诇 讛诪讞讜讝讜转 砖诇 专讙砖 讜讚诪讬讜谉.


讝讜讛讬 讬爪讬专讛 注讻砖讜讜讬转 讬讜爪讗转 讚讜驻谉 讛诪讞讘专转 讘讬谉 讛讗住转讟讬拽讛 砖诇 讛诪讜住讬拽讛 讛拽诇讗住讬转 诇讘讬谉 讛讗讜讜谞讙专讚 砖诇 讛诪讜住讬拽讛 讛诪讜讚专谞讬转, 讜驻讜专爪转 讚专讱 诇讝’讗谞专 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 讞讚砖 “驻讜住讟 诪讝专讞 诪注专讘”.

讛讘讬爪讜注讬诐 讛讗讬谞住讟专讜诪谞讟诇讬讬诐 讘诪讜驻注 诪砖转诇讘讬诐 注诐 砖讬专讛 讜讜拽讗诇讬转 诇讟拽住讟讬诐 诪讛住驻专讜转 讛讬讛讜讚讬转 讛注转讬拽讛: 住驻专 “转讛诇讬诐” 讜”住驻专 讬爪讬专讛”

讗诇讬讛讜 注讜诇讛 诇讘诪讛 注诐 讛专讻讘 诪讜讝讬拽讗讬诐 诪讜驻诇讗讬诐, 诪讗住讟专讬诐 讘转讞讜诪诐:
诇专讬住讛 讗诇讬讛讜 – 驻住谞转专
讚谞讬讗诇 注讬讘专讬谉 – 讙讬讟专讛 讘住 讜拽讜谞讟专讘住
讗专讬讗诇 拽住讬住 – 拽讗谞讜谉
专讜谞讬 注讬讘专讬谉 – 讻诇讬 讛拽砖讛
讗讜专讞 诪讬讜讞讚: 讚讜讚 诪谞讞诐 – 砖讬专讛

爪讬诇讜诐: 讞谞讛 谞讜讚诇诪谉
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