Thu 8 December 2022 | 9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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Percussion Virtuoso Ben Aylon hosts聽 Saboula Bangoura, the esteemed master from West Africa

Ben Aylon, whose debut album won the title of Best Album 2021 in the prestigious Songlines magazine, was a student of Saboula Bangoura 16 years ago, who taught him the West African drum strings.

Saboula , a highly valued teacher and master from Guinea Conakry, creator and composer, studied throughout his life many rhythms from tribes and cultures in West Africa. This is how he developed his personal voice characterized by listening, depth and innovation.

Ben Aylon has developed an innovative drumming style, in which he distils the massive sound of an entire clan of drummers into a virtuoso and powerful solo playing on a unique drum system consisting of ten African drums.

In the performance, the two provide a dialogue and unique intercultural virtuosity, with intense, powerful and exciting songs, melodies and rhythms.

Sabula Bangura – Shira, Djemba, Dundon, Balafon

Ben Aylon – African drum system, halaam and singing



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住讗讘讜诇讛 讘谞讙讜专讛 – 砖讬专讛, 讚讙壮诪讘讛, 讚讜谞讚讜谉, 讘讗诇讗驻讜谉

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