Wed 13 January 2021 | 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Kerem House - Hayarkon 70, Tel Aviv-Yafo,

It’s time to crank up the volume and let your talent shine. At our Open Mic you and other performers can show off your skills.

Sign up on location. We keep performing until the close the place.

WHERE: Kerem House

About Open Mic:
Open mic is a form of entertainment, offered typically by bars and clubs, in which people take turns to sing, speak, poem and anything else you can do into a microphone. Any song or word, going late, sing your heart out!

About our partners:
The Department for Immigration Absorption of the Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality is devoted to helping each new resident – each oleh or olah – build his or her future in Tel Aviv Yafo. we seek to help Olim to access the city’s diverse professional networks and to integrate into the city’s cultural and community eco-systems.

About Kerem House:
Kerem House is a community-led cultural space in the heart of Tel Aviv, organized by young people who wish to create a vibrant Jewish community, for themselves and for their peers. Since its establishment, Kerem House has fed and hosted over 3,000 Israelis, olim and visitors over the course of 300+ Shabbat dinners, holiday meals and a variety of communal events and activities.

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