Thu 15 June 2017 | 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Tel Aviv Municipality - Ibn Gvirol 69, Tel Aviv, FREE

One moment books – dozens of meetings, concerts and literary events at the city hall and at the Einav Culture: Thursday, 15.6 from 19:30 – admission is free!

Thursday 15.6 starting from 19:30 until midnight will become City Hall Tel Aviv and the Einav Cultural Center for colorful events in the “moment of books”, an impressive event full of love for the written word at the height of the Book Week. Program – read story hours for adults, poetry events, exhibitions, theater and music performances, and lectures on literature and cultural cooperation with cultural institutions and various groups that form the city. It also will be announced during the event favorite book among books townspeople came out in 2016, as part of a “read loved”.

Entry to all events is free!

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