Tue 16 April 2024 | 8:00 pm - 11:15 pm
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The spring-summer edition of Utopia comes to the Tel Aviv Cinematheque in a special series of screenings and events

Link to purchase tickets:
鈽勶笍Discount code for filmmakers, Japanese and zombies: Utopia29鈽勶笍


One Cut of the Dead

A crew arrives to shoot a zombie movie in an abandoned warehouse that was rumored to have been used by the military for human experiments. Even in the present it is no less scary there. The satirical zombie comedy from Japan was praised by the audience and critics (a round of festivals and awards including Karlovy Vary, Sitges and Fantastic-Fest – where he won the audience and director’s award) which also led to a French remake. In a genre that has seen it all, Cinchiro manages to subvert it and deliver tension, humor and utter madness, while having a great love for filmmaking, community and family, and the undead.

Japan, 2017, 96 min.


20:00 gathering
20:30 Introduction
20:40 the screening of the film (96 min.) followed by a conversation



Utopia website:

拽讗讟! 讛诪转讬诐 / One Cut of the Dead

Purchase tickets:
馃 Special price for zombies and friends using the discount code – Utopia29 馃
Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

诪讛讚讜专转 讗讘讬讘 – 拽讬抓 砖诇 讗讜讟讜驻讬讛 诪讙讬注讛 诇住讬谞诪讟拽 转诇 讗讘讬讘 讘住讚专转 讛拽专谞讜转 讜讗讬专讜注讬诐 诪讬讜讞讚转

诇讬谞拽 诇专讻讬砖转 讻专讟讬住讬诐:
鈽勶笍拽讜讚 讛谞讞讛 诇讬讜爪专讜转 讜讬讜爪专讬 拽讜诇谞讜注, 讬驻谞讬诐 讜讝讜诪讘讬诐: 讗讜讟讜驻讬讛29鈽勶笍


拽讗讟! 讛诪转讬诐 | One Cut of the Dead

爪讜讜转 诪讙讬注 诇爪诇诐 住专讟 讝讜诪讘讬诐 讘诪讞住谉 谞讟讜砖 砖诇驻讬 讛砖诪讜注讛 砖讬诪砖 讘注讘专 讗转 讛爪讘讗 诇谞讬住讜讬讬诐 讘讘谞讬 讗讚诐. 讙诐 讘讛讜讜讛 诇讗 驻讞讜转 诪驻讞讬讚 砖诐. 拽讜诪讚讬讬转 讛讝讜诪讘讬诐 讛住讗讟讬专讬转 诪讬驻谉 讝讻转讛 讘砖讘讞讬 讛拽讛诇 讜讛诪讘拽专讬诐 (住讘讘 驻住讟讬讘诇讬诐 讜讝讻讬讜转 讛讻讜诇诇 讗转 拽专诇讜讘讬 讜讗专讬, 住讬讟讙’住 讜驻谞讟住讟讬拽-驻住讟 – 砖诐 讝讻讛 讘驻专住 讛拽讛诇 讜讛讘讬诪讜讬) 砖讛讜讘讬诇讛 讙诐 诇专讬诪讬讬拽 爪专驻转讬. 讘讝’讗谞专 砖专讗讛 讛讻诇, 住讬谞爪’讬专讜 诪爪诇讬讞 诇讞转讜专 转讞转讬讜 讜诇住驻拽 诪转讞, 讛讜诪讜专 讜讟讬专讜祝 诪讜讞诇讟, 转讜讱 讗讛讘讛 讙讚讜诇讛 诇注砖讬讬转 拽讜诇谞讜注, 诇拽讛讬诇讛 讜诪砖驻讞讛, 讜诇讗诇-诪转讬诐.

讬驻谉, 2017, 96 讚拽’
讘讬诪讜讬: 住讬谞讬爪’讬专讜 讗讜讗讚讛
讬驻谞讬转, 讻转讜讘讬讜转 讘注讘专讬转


诇讜讞 讝诪谞讬诐
20:00 讛转讻谞住讜转
20:30 讛拽讚诪讛 – 讚”专 驻讘诇讜 讗讜讟讬谉 (讞讜拽专 拽讜诇谞讜注, 讗讜谞’ 转”讗)
20:40 讛拽专谞转 讛住专讟 (96 讚拽’) 讜诇讗讞专讬讜 砖讬讞讛 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讚”专 驻讘诇讜 讗讜讟讬谉 讜讘讛砖转转驻讜转 拽讗讬 诪专拽 (转住专讬讟讗讬) 讜专讜转诐 诇讜讬讬诐 (诪驻讬拽讛).



讗转专 讗讜讟讜驻讬讛:

拽讗讟! 讛诪转讬诐 / One Cut of the Dead

专讻讬砖转 讻专讟讬住讬诐:
馃 诪讞讬专 诪讬讜讞讚 诇讝讜诪讘讬诐.讜转 讜讞讘专讬诐.讜转 讘讗诪爪注讜转 拽讜讚 讛讛谞讞讛 – 讗讜讟讜驻讬讛29 馃
Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

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