Thu 9 December 2021 - Fri 10 December 2021 | 9:30 pm - 7:00 am
HaOman 17 - Abarbanel Street 88, Tel Aviv,

Oh No! presents: 脗me LIVE

The German duo is a prime example of a symbiosis between two friends, artists and creators that has changed the picture in the entire electronic music world. The two began their joint journey more than 15 years ago: Frank Weidmann – the duo’s marvelous composer and creative engine – the mesmerizing live man, and Christian Bayer – an intergalactic musical tramp who trusts the sets. Their shared musical news has for years continued to dominate the dance floor, producing an infinity of hits and standing with Dixon behind one of the most important and influential labels of our time – Innervisions, which is a standard for quality and exciting electronic music.

And we will continue playing if you still do not understand, click

On December 9, in a rare and unusual event, Frank arrives to give an opening chord that is unparalleled in the world and to show that there is no limit to creation. With kicking beats that will be played live he will rebuild the expansion. Slowly and gently, an innovative set will be born – one of a kind, not to be missed.

We took care of everything, from the sound additions, to the exceptional lighting. All that is left is to forget about everything, and give the soul a vacation of a few hours.

pay attention!
There is a total ban on transferring tickets from one to another and selling tickets to a third party.
Tickets that are not purchased in person and whose details are incorrect – will not be honored.

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讛讚讜讗讜 讛讙专诪谞讬 讛讜讗 讚讜讙诪讛 诪讜驻转讬转 诇住讬诪讘讬讜讝讛 讘讬谉 砖谞讬 讞讘专讬诐, 讗诪谞讬诐 讜讬讜爪专讬诐 砖砖讬谞转讛 讗转 讛转诪讜谞讛 讘注讜诇诐 讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 讛讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬转 讻讜诇讜. 讛砖谞讬讬诐 讛转讞讬诇讜 讗转 讚专讻诐 讛诪砖讜转驻转 诇驻谞讬 讬讜转专 诪-15 砖谞讛: 驻专谞拽 讜讬讬讚诪讗谉 – 讛诪诇讞讬谉 讛诪讜驻诇讗 讜讛诪谞讜注 讛讬爪讬专转讬 砖诇 讛讚讜讗讜 – 讗讬砖 讛诇讬讬讘 讛诪讛驻谞讟, 讜拽专讬住讟讬讗谉 讘讗讬讬专 – 谞讜讜讚 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 讘讬谉-讙诇拽讟讬 砖讗诪讜谉 注诇 讛住讟讬诐. 讛讘砖讜专讛 讛诪讜讝讬拽诇讬转 讛诪砖讜转驻转 砖诇讛诐 诪诪砖讬讻讛 讻讘专 砖谞讬诐 诇砖诇讜讟 讘专讞讘讜转 讛专讬拽讜讚讬诐, 诇讬讬爪专 讗讬谞住讜祝 诇讛讬讟讬诐 讜诇注诪讜讚 讬讞讚 注诐 讚讬拽住讜谉 诪讗讞讜专讬 讗讞讚 讛诇讬讬讘诇讬诐 讛讞砖讜讘讬诐 讜讛诪砖驻讬注讬诐 砖诇 讝诪谞谞讜 – Innervisions, 砖讛讜讗 转讜 转拽谉 诇诪讜讝讬拽讛 讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬转 讗讬讻讜转讬转 讜诪专讙砖转.

讜谞诪砖讬讱 play 讗诐 注讚讬讬谉 诇讗 讛讘谞转, 诇讞爪/讬

讘9 诇讚爪诪讘专, 讘讗讬专讜注 谞讚讬专 讜讬讜爪讗 讚讜驻谉, 诪讙讬注 驻专谞拽 诇转转 讗拽讜专讚 驻转讬讞讛 砖讗讬谉 讻诪讜讛讜 讘注讜诇诐 讜诇讛专讗讜转 砖讗讬谉 讙讘讜诇 诇讬爪讬专讛. 讘讘讬讟讬诐 讘讜注讟讬诐 砖讬转谞讙谞讜 讘诇讬讬讘 讛讜讗 讬讘谞讛 诪讞讚砖 讗转 讛专讞讘讛. 诇讗讟 讜讘注讚讬谞讜转 讬讜讜诇讚 诇讜 住讟 讞讚砖谞讬 – 讬讞讬讚 讘诪讬谞讜, 砖讗住讜专 诇驻住驻住.

讚讗讙谞讜 诇讛讻诇, 讛讞诇 诪转讜住驻讜转 讛住讗讜谞讚, 讜注讚 讛转讗讜专讛 讛讬讜爪讗转 讚讜驻谉. 讻诇 砖谞讜转专 讛讜讗 诇砖讻讜讞 诪讛讻诇, 讜诇转转 诇谞驻砖 讞讜驻砖讛 砖诇 讻诪讛 砖注讜转.

砖讬诪讜 诇讘!
讬砖 讗讬住讜专 诪讜讞诇讟 注诇 讛注讘专转 讻专讟讬住讬诐 诪讗讞讚 诇砖谞讬 讜诪讻讬专转 讻专讟讬住讬诐 诇爪讚 砖诇讬砖讬.
讻专讟讬住讬诐 砖诇讗 砖谞专讻砖讜 讘讗讜驻谉 讗讬砖讬 讜砖驻专讟讬讜 诇讗 谞讻讜谞讬诐 – 诇讗 讬讻讜讘讚讜.
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