Sun 31 December 2023 | 9:30 pm - 11:45 pm
Noor Jaffa - Ben Yair 5, Tel Aviv,

Welcome to the flea market!

In 2020 we turned on the boiler and since then it has been boiling – the road that started in the great circus passed through the streets of Old Jaffa and became an annual New Year’s Eve ball where we all give ourselves to a dance floor in the style of London’s Boiler Room ~ a wide one that kicks with an embracing power and envelops the DJ position.

Within the charm of the flea market has been the Noor 28 complex since 1967

The Ottoman building includes an urban garden for reception, a large interior space divided into 3 complexes. The historic building was used as the first bank branch of Banco di Roma, up the ancient stones and between the waves of the sea whispering secrets, the elegant Jaffa is revealed, inside a unique and special classical building that contains all the treasures of the city

讘专讜讻讬诐 讛讘讗讬诐 诇砖讜拽 讛驻砖驻砖讬诐!

讘2020 讛讚诇拽谞讜 讗转 讛讘讜讬讬诇专 讜诪讗讝 讛讜讗 专讜转讞 – 讛讚专讱 砖讛讞诇讛 讘拽专拽住 讛讙讚讜诇 注讘专讛 讚专讱 专讞讜讘讜转讬讛 砖诇 讬驻讜 讛注转讬拽讛 讜讛驻讻讛 诇谞砖祝 住讬诇讘住讟专 砖谞转讬 砖讘讜 讻讜诇谞讜 诪转诪住专讬诐 诇专讞讘转 专讬拽讜讚讬诐 讘住讙谞讜谉 讛讘讜讬讬诇专 专讜诐 砖诇 诇讜谞讚讜谉 ~ 专讞讘讛 砖讘讜注讟转 讘注讜爪诪讛 诪讞讘拽转 讜注讜讟驻转 讗转 注诪讚转 讛讚讬讙’讬讬.

讘转讜讱 讛拽住诐 砖诇 砖讜拽 讛驻砖驻砖讬诐 砖讜讻谉 诇讜 诪转讞诐 谞讜专 28 诪讗讝 1967

讛诪讘谞讛 讛注讜转诪讗谞讬 讻讜诇诇 讙讬谞讛 讗讜专讘谞讬转 诇拽讘诇转 驻谞讬诐, 讞诇诇 驻谞讬诪讬 讙讚讜诇 讛诪讞讜诇拽 诇3 诪转讞诪讬诐.讛诪讘谞讛 讛讛讬住讟讜专讬 砖讬诪砖 讻住谞讬祝 讘谞拽 讛专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 讘谞拽讜 讚讬 专讜诪讛, 讘诪注诇讛 讛讗讘谞讬诐 讛注转讬拽讜转 讜讘讬谉 讙诇讬 讛讬诐 讛诇讜讞砖讬诐 住讜讚讜转,谞讞砖驻转 讬驻讜 讛讗诇讙谞讟讬转, 讘转讜讱 诪讘谞讛 拽诇讗住讬 讬讞讬讚 讜诪讬讜讞讚 讛讟讜诪谉 讘讞讜讘讜 讗转 讻诇 讗讜爪专讜转讬讛 砖诇 讛注讬专.

讜诇驻谉 讛诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 :


Benitah B2B Nali


Jeff B2B Boca

Omri Smadar

Perezo B2B Morris

谞转讞讬诇 讘2023 讜谞住讬讬诐 讘2024.
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