Sun 7 August 2022 | 9:00 pm - 11:55 pm
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讘砖注讜转 21:00-1:00

*讛讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转*

诪讞讻讛 诇专讗讜转讻诐 馃檪

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Hi, my name is Ilona Plot, an illustrator and a researcher of the Japanese art and culture. “NOH” is a traditional Japanese theater from the 14th century.

At my exhibition, I will present my version of paintings to the original masks from the “NOH” theater. You can buy various prints, accessories and get to know more about the Japanese culture.

The exhibition will be open from Sunday 7/8 until Wednesday 10/8
at 21:00-1:00

*Entrance is free*

Waiting to see you
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