Wed 24 April 2024 | 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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Nasrin established herself as one of the leading, talked about and successful singers in Israel whose voice managed to penetrate the heart of the Israeli consensus.

This April (April 24) Nasreen will perform on the Menorah stage with a repertoire of new songs from the album “Dreamer”

Nasrin comes full circle when a year ago she announced a decade show in Caesarea that was canceled due to the Corona virus and now it’s her moment to return with new energies with a virtuoso and powerful show as only Nesrin knows how to bring.

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拽讚专讬 讘讬住住讛 讗转 注爪诪讛 讻讗讞转 诪讛讝诪专讜转 讛诪讜讘讬诇讜转, 讛诪讚讜讘专讜转 讜讛诪爪诇讬讞讜转 讘讬砖专讗诇 砖拽讜诇讛 讛爪诇讬讞 诇讞讚讜专 诇诇讘 讛拽讜谞爪谞讝讜住 讛讬砖专讗诇讬.

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