Fri 7 July 2023 | 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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Special metabolism!

Books Books Books!!!
Following an excellent idea by the photographer Doron Oved, who, like me (and you) has accumulated piles of books, we decided to make exchanges!

Azzz, as part of Metabolism, the event that always happens every Friday – the first of the month – this time we will also exchange art books, design, architecture, photography and magazines.
Make a stack and save the date!

What about “metabolism”?
Creators, artists and artists from different fields bring what they don’t use and everyone is welcome to take what they want.
Clean the studio and let your dusty materials make someone happy!
You can come with materials for the calipers, put them on the table and take what you need.

After the event, things left behind will be added to the permanent metabolic closet in the dial.

depending on the season,
The event will include cold watermelon 馃崏

Free entrance
Friday, 7.7

讞讬诇讜祝 讞讜诪专讬诐 诪讬讜讞讚!

住驻专讬诐 住驻专讬诐 住驻专讬诐!!!
讘注拽讘讜转 专注讬讜谉 诪注讜诇讛 砖诇 讛爪诇诪转 Doron Oved, 砖讙诐 讻诪讜谞讬 (讜讻诪讜讻诐) 爪讘专讛 注专讬诪讜转 砖诇 住驻专讬诐 讛讞诇讟谞讜 诇注砖讜转 讛讞诇驻讜转!

讗讝讝讝, 讘诪住讙专转 讞讬诇讜祝 讞讜诪专讬诐, 讛讗讬专讜注 砖诪转诪讬讚 诇拽专讜转 讻诇 砖讬砖讬 – 讛专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 讛讞讜讚砖- 谞讞诇讬祝 讛驻注诐 讙诐 住驻专讬 讗诪谞讜转, 注讬爪讜讘, 讗讚专讬讻诇讜转, 爪讬诇讜诐 讜讙诐 诪讙讝讬谞讬诐.
转讻讬谞讜 注专讬诪讛 讜砖诪专讜 讗转 讛转讗专讬讱!

诪讛 讘”讞讬诇讜祝 讞讜诪专讬诐?
讬讜爪专讜转, 讗诪谞讬讜转 讜讗诪谞讬诐 诪转讞讜诪讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐 诪讘讬讗讬诐 讗转 诪讛 砖讛诐 诇讗 诪砖转诪砖讬诐 讘讜 讜讻讜诇诐 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇拽讞转 诪讛 砖专讜爪讬诐.
谞拽讜 讗转 讛住讟讜讚讬讜 讜转转谞讜 诇讞讜诪专讬诐 诪注诇讬 讛讗讘拽 砖诇讻谉 诇砖诪讞 诪讬砖讛讜!
讗驻砖专 诇讘讜讗 注诐 讞讜诪专讬诐 诇诪讞讜讙讛, 诇讛谞讬讞 注诇 讛砖讜诇讞谉 讜诇拽讞转 诪讛 砖爪专讬讻讬诐.

诇讗讞专 讛讗讬专讜注 讚讘专讬诐 砖谞讜转专讜 诪讗讞讜专 讬转讜讜住驻讜 诇讗专讜谉 讞讬诇讜祝 讞讜诪专讬诐 讛拽讘讜注 砖讘诪讞讜讙讛.

讘讛转讗诐 诇注讜谞讛,
讛讗讬专讜注 讬讻诇讜诇 讗讘讟讬讞 拽专 馃崏

讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转
讬讜诐 砖讬砖讬, 7.7

转讗 转专讘讜转 讛诪讞讜讙讛,
讛诪讞讜讙讛 13 (驻诇讜专谞讟讬谉) 转诇-讗讘讬讘
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