Thu 8 June 2023 | 11:00 pm - 11:45 pm
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Get ready to werk it, hunty, because Tel Aviv is about to get a taste of the fiercest Pride party in town!
Listen up, gorgeous! UDRUB is bringing you a party that’s hotter than a summer fling and bolder than a Tel Aviv fashionista. We’re turning up the heat and serving you a Middle Eastern extravaganza that’ll leave you gagging for more!
This Thursday night, Morfium Club will transform into a haven of electrifying beats and fearless self-expression. This is your chance to immerse yourself in the intoxicating rhythms that define the LGBTQ+ experience in the Middle East, where cultures collide, and acceptance knows no bounds.
Get ready for a jaw-dropping performance of Middle Eastern divas! Rinat Bar, Maya Simantov, and Riki Ben Ari are going to set the stage on fire!
And the party keeps going with our fabulous DJs, Roni Shefer and Eyal Dan, who will keep the dance floor sizzling with their irresistible mixes. They’ll be serving you the hottest beats from the Middle East and beyond, ensuring pure musical magic throughout the night.
So mark your calendars, because Morfium Club is where the party is at!
Date: June 8th
Time: 23:00
Venue: Morfium Club
Facebook Event:[]%7D
Round up your tribe, unleash your fabulousness, and dance with unapologetic pride at UDRUB’s Middle Eastern and Arab Pride Party – Bringing the beat of Queer in the Middle East!
Ten percent of the profits will be donated to the hostel for LGBTQ+ youth who lost their family support due to their identity, but gained a whole community that supports them
The event is produced in collaboration with Touborg, the LGBTQ+ community’s beer


诪住讬讘转 讛讙讗讜讜讛 讛诪专讻讝讬转 砖诇 讛讗讜讚专讜讘!!!
注诇 讛讘诪讛: 3 讛讝诪专讜转 讛讙讚讜诇讜转 诪讻讜诇谉 – 专讬拽讬 讘谉 讗专讬, 专讬谞转 讘专 讜诪讗讬讛 住讬诪谉 讟讜讘!
注诇 讛注诪讚讛: 讚讬-讙壮讬讬 专讜谞讬 砖驻专 讜讚讬-讙壮讬讬 讛讬讬诇 讚谉 讘住讟 讛讗讜住-诪讝专讞讬 诪讬讚诇 讗讬住讟.
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