Mon 29 October 2018 | 5:45 pm - 7:30 pm
Tel Aviv University - Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,

We are happy to host Leah Polczak for a fascinating lecture on Machine Learning at Tel Aviv University!

About the lecture:
Introduction to the field of Machine Learning
What is the scope of Machine Learning?
What types of problems can be solved with it?
Why has the field been growing so recently?
We will also discuss the different types of algorithms that exist in this field, and we will demonstrate some of them in the lecture.

Leah Polchek is an algorithm developer with 10 years of experience in Machine Learning and Image Processing. Leah holds a master’s degree in physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, and currently works at Applied Materials. Until about two months ago, she was a CTO of she codes and currently holds courses in Machine Learning at the Deep Learning Academy.

Registration will open soon! It is recommended to follow the main board

When: Monday 29.10 17:45
Where: Tel Aviv University, Sackler Medical Building, Dolphi Hall.

Event Schedule:
Gathering and Registration
18:15 Start of lecture
19:10 Time for questions
19:20 Continuation of the Acnite as usual!

About Us:
She codes was established to compare the number of software developers and developers in Israel. We are a community of more than 20,000 women, and meet every week in more than 30 branches throughout the country to program, work on a personal project / project for work or study in the organization’s courses. In the framework of the meetings, we also offer lectures on programming at various levels, lectures from inspirational women and career sandals.

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