Thu 29 September 2022 | 9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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Live Fast Die High!
Weโ€™ve come to conquer the Boofra in Tel Aviv, Shvil Hatnufa 7 at Thursday 29/09 at 21:00 – TICKETS 30 cash for entrance.

Whatโ€™s on the menu?

1. After they conquered the Blaze Rock Bar in Jerusalem, they are coming to conquer the Boofra with Fast old-school Thrash and Roll, kickinโ€™ ass metal!!

2. Stash a 09 metal style that will melt your brain and make it explode!

3. Astro Choleras is an angry Death Thrash Metal band with one album out and theyโ€™re gonna give all theyโ€™ve got with their last gig !


Live Fast Die High!
ื‘ืื ื• ืœื›ื‘ื•ืฉ ืืช ื”ื‘ื•ืคืจื” ื‘ื™ื•ื ื—ืžื™ืฉื™ ื”-29/09 ื‘ืฉื‘ื™ืœ ื”ืชื ื•ืคื” 7 ื‘ืชืœ ืื‘ื™ื‘, ื‘ืฉืขื” 21:00 ืžืชื—ื™ืœื™ื ื•ื›ื ื™ืกื” ื‘-30โ‚ช (ื›ืจื˜ื™ืกื™ื ื‘ืžืงื•ื)!
ืื– ืžื” ื‘ืชืคืจื™ื˜?

1. ืœืื—ืจ ืฉื›ื‘ืฉื• ืืช ื”ื‘ืœื™ื™ื– ื‘ืจ – Nail and Impale ื‘ืื™ื ืœื›ื‘ื•ืฉ ื’ื ื”ื‘ื•ืคืจื” ืขื ืชืณืจืืฉ ืžื˜ืืœ ืืงืกื˜ืจื™ืžืœื™ ืขืฆื‘ื ื™ ืฉืœื ืฉืžืขืชื ื›ื–ื” ื”ืจื‘ื” ื–ืžืŸ!

2. ื–ื” ื›ื•ืขืก ื•ืžืคืฆื™ืฅ – STASH ื‘ืื™ื ืœืชืช ื‘ืจืืฉ ืขื ืžื˜ืืœ 09 ืกื˜ื™ื™ืœ ืฉืœื ืžื”ืขื•ืœื ื”ื–ื” ืฉืชืจื’ื™ืฉื• ืืช ื”ืžื•ื— ืฉืœื›ื ืžืชืคื•ืฆืฅ!

3. Astro Choleras ืœื”ืงืช ื“ืชืณืจืืฉ ืžื˜ืืœ ืขืฆื‘ื ื™ืช ื‘ื”ื•ืคืขื” ืื—ืจื•ื ื” ืœืชืงื•ืคื” ืฉื ื•ืชื ืช ื‘ืจืืฉ ื•ืœื ืกื•ื’ืจืช ื—ืฉื‘ื•ืŸ !!!
ืขื ืืœื‘ื•ื ืื—ื“ ื‘ื—ื•ืฅ ื‘ืื™ื ืœืฉื‘ื•ืจ ืœื›ื ืืช ื”ืฆื•ืจื” –

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