Thu 11 May 2023 | 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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light. time. space. Observing, lingering – re-creating. The way in which Albert Einstein observed the world, and the way in which he conducted his experiments, managed to lead to historical breakthroughs in the worlds of science and physics and had a profound effect on the accepted perception of reality. Einstein examined space through long observation and reflection, with one ambition: to decipher the web of dimensions and forces that make up the universe and distill them into scientific theories.

“Haaretz” and the Hebrew University are proud to present the exhibition “In relation to space”. Dozens of works by local artists from the fields of painting, installation, sculpture, video and new media will be gathered in one space, to present new interpretations of the paradoxical aspects of Einstein’s theories. The exhibition will bring visitors together with visual, artistic and scientific concepts of time, space and movement and will create a reminder of existence, meaning and our place in the world.

A short and fascinating conversation will be held on the opening night moderated by “Haaretz” journalist Neta Ahitov, in which Prof. Hanoch Gutfreund, director of the Einstein Center, and Moshe Yamo Galianczpiegel, co-curator of the exhibition, will talk about the greatness of Albert Einstein as a scientist and as a cultural icon

Gallery hours:
Sunday: 13:00-17:00, Monday to Thursday: 10:00-17:00, Friday-Saturday: 11:00-14:00

Location: press 63 on the interphone, Shoken St 27, 3rd floor, Tel Aviv-Yafo

讗讜专. 讝诪谉. 诪专讞讘. 讛转讘讜谞谞讜转, 讛砖转讛讜转 – 讬爪讬专讛 诪讞讚砖. 讛讚专讱 砖讘讛 讗诇讘专讟 讗讬讬谞砖讟讬讬谉 讛转讘讜谞谉 注诇 讛注讜诇诐, 讜讛讗讜驻谉 砖讘讜 讛讜讗 注专讱 讗转 谞讬住讜讬讬讜, 讛爪诇讬讞讜 诇讛讜讘讬诇 诇驻专讬爪讜转 讚专讱 讛讬住讟讜专讬讜转 讘注讜诇诪讜转 讛诪讚注 讜讛驻讬讝讬拽讛 讜讛砖驻讬注讜 讘爪讜专讛 注诪讜拽讛 注诇 转驻讬砖转 讛诪爪讬讗讜转 讛诪拽讜讘诇转. 讗讬讬谞砖讟讬讬谉 讘讞谉 讗转 讛诪专讞讘 讘讗诪爪注讜转 讛转讘讜谞谞讜转 讜专驻诇拽爪讬讛 讗专讜讻讛, 诪转讜讱 砖讗讬驻讛 讗讞转: 诇驻注谞讞 讗转 诪讗专讙 讛诪诪讚讬诐 讜讛讻讜讞讜转 讛诪专讻讬讘讬诐 讗转 讛讬拽讜诐 讜诇讝拽拽 讗讜转诐 诇讻讚讬 转讬讗讜专讬讜转 诪讚注讬讜转.

“讛讗专抓” 讜讛讗讜谞讬讘专住讬讟讛 讛注讘专讬转 讙讗讬诐 诇讛爪讬讙 讗转 讛转注专讜讻讛 “讘讬讞住 诇诪专讞讘”. 注砖专讜转 注讘讜讚讜转 砖诇 讗诪谞讬诐 诪拽讜诪讬讬诐 诪转讞讜诪讬 讛爪讬讜专, 讛诪讬爪讘, 讛驻讬住讜诇, 讛讜讜讬讚讬讗讜 讜讛谞讬讜 诪讚讬讛 讬讬讗住驻讜 讘讞诇诇 讗讞讚, 讻讚讬 诇讛爪讬讙 讗讬谞讟专驻专讟爪讬讜转 诪讞讜讚砖讜转 砖诇 讛讛讬讘讟讬诐 讛驻专讚讜拽住诇讬讬诐 讘转讬讗讜专讬讜转 砖诇 讗讬讬谞砖讟讬讬谉. 讛转注专讜讻讛 转驻讙讬砖 讗转 讛诪讘拽专讬诐 注诐 转驻讬砖讜转 讜讬讝讜讗诇讬讜转, 讗诪谞讜转讬讜转 讜诪讚注讬讜转 砖诇 讝诪谉, 诪专讞讘 讜转谞讜注讛 讜转讬讬爪专 转讝讻讜专转 注诇 拽讬讜诪讬讜转, 注诇 诪砖诪注讜转 讜注诇 诪拽讜诪谞讜 讘注讜诇诐.

砖讬讞讛 拽爪专讛 讜诪专转拽转 转转拽讬讬诐 讘注专讘 讛驻转讬讞讛 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 注讬转讜谞讗讬转 “讛讗专抓” 谞讟注 讗讞讬讟讜讘, 讘讛 讬住驻专讜 驻专讜驻’ 讞谞讜讱 讙讜讟驻专讜讬谞讚, 诪谞讛诇 诪专讻讝 讗讬讬谞砖讟讬讬谉, 讜诪砖讛 讬讗诪讜 讙诇讬讗谞爪砖驻讬讙诇, 讗讜爪专-砖讜转祝 砖诇 讛转注专讜讻讛, 注诇 讙讚讜诇转讜 砖诇 讗诇讘专讟 讗讬讬谞砖讟讬讬谉 讻诪讚注谉 讜讻讗讬拽讜谞讛 转专讘讜转讬转

砖注讜转 驻注讬诇讜转 讛讙诇专讬讛:
专讗砖讜谉: 13:00-17:00, 砖谞讬 注讚 讞诪讬砖讬: 10:00-17:00, 砖讬砖讬-砖讘转: 11:00-14:00

讗讜爪专讬诐.讜转 Curators:
诪砖讛 讬讗诪讜 讙诇讬讗谞爪砖驻讬讙诇 Moshe Yamo Glanzspiegel
讗讬诇讬 驻讗专讬 Illy Pe’ery

专谞谞讛 讗诇讚讜专 Renana Aldor
诪讜专 讗驻讙讬谉 Mor Afgin
谞讜注讛 讘专 讗讜专讬讬谉 Noa Bar Orian
注讬讚讜 讙讜专讚讜谉 Ido Gordon
讚讙谞讬转 讘专住讟 Deganit Berest
谞讬专 讛专讗诇 Nir Harel
注谞讘专 讞讙讗讬 Inbar Hagai
注诪讬转 诇讜讬谞讙专 Amit Levinger
拽讜专诇 谞讬讘 Coral Niv
诪讬专讬 住讙诇 Miri Segal
讗讬转诪专 砖讟诪诇专 Itamar Stemler
讗诇讜谞讛 驻专讬讚讘专讙 Alona Freidberg
讙讘讬 拽诇讝诪专 Gabi Klazmer
注讜诪专 砖讬讝祝 Omer Sheizaf
讙’讜诇讬讛 砖讬讬驻专 Julia Sch盲fer
讗讜专 砖诇讜诪谉 Or Shloman
讙讬诇 砖诪专诇讬谉 Gil Shmerlin

转拽诇讜讟: sentiment_404@
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