Thu 1 June 2023 | 10:00 pm - 11:45 pm
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Are you ready to embrace your true selves? 🤩


One of the biggest highlights of the year is approaching, kicking off Tel Aviv Pride Week with a spectacular launch party that sets the tone for an unforgettable celebration.

But it’s not just about the party-line launch! We’re also unveiling the official Pride anthem for 2023, a sensational duet by two of the funniest artists in the country – SHEFITA & SHACHAR HASON

And if that’s not exciting enough, get ready for another groundbreaking debut! We have a special performance by an artist you adore – Ricky Ben Ari (!!!)

Tonight’s event will transport you to a magical Wonderland, introducing a whole new level of CELEBRATION in every imaginable way.

Are you prepared for a legendary lineup? Of course, you are!


Kay Long is opening with some explosive energies to set the tone – because we believe in starting with a glamorous bang!

A premiere performance of the OFFICIAL PRIDE SONG OF 2023 featuring two incredible artists whom we can’t reveal just yet, so ticket prices are at their lowest, and those who buy early will be the lucky winners.

And, of course, how could we forget Ricky Ben-Ari – the dazzling panther who will grace us with a mesmerizing new song, exclusively for our event. It’s a performance you absolutely can’t afford to miss!

Our talented DJs:

Dor Babi, Efrat Naaman, Or Azulay

You can stop drooling now, darlings.

Prepare yourselves for a delightful journey, as time flies when we’re having a blast, and we pride ourselves on keeping our showtimes punctual.

Here, no one hides, and no one has second thoughts.

Together, we embrace the full spectrum of pride, because with us, you’re valued for being your authentic selves or nothing at all.

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