Wed 19 April 2023 | 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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Hagit Ginzburg (“The Morning with Tal and Aviad”)
The queen of improvisation and the Argentinian accent brings to the stage a different standup than any you know, a sweat-free journey through her life’s journeys with the unbearable name Hagit, thoughts on the world and life, age 40, late bachelorhood, friendships with children, body image, bad choices, failed sex, addiction to Zara, Crazy parents and lots of conversations with the audience. Take Advil because the next day your jaw will hurt and also because you are just adults.

Duration of the show: 90 minutes
Intended for ages 18 and over


,讞讙讬转 讙讬谞讝讘讜专讙 (“讛讘讜拽专 注诐 讟诇 讜讗讘讬注讚”)
讗砖驻讬转 讛讗诇转讜专讬诐 讜讛诪讘讟讗 讛讗专讙谞讟讬谞讗讬 诪讘讬讗讛 诇讘诪讛 住讟谞讚讗驻 讗讞专 诪讻诇 砖讗转诐 诪讻讬专讬诐, 诪住注 谞讟讜诇 讝讬注讛 讘诪住注讜转 讞讬讬讛 注诐 讛砖诐 讛讘诇转讬 谞住讘诇 讞讙讬转, 诪讞砖讘讜转 注诇 讛注讜诇诐 讜讛讞讬讬诐, 讙讬诇 40, 专讜讜拽讜转 诪讗讜讞专转, 讞讘专讜转 注诐 讬诇讚讬诐, 讚讬诪讜讬 讙讜祝, 讘讞讬专讜转 讙专讜注讜转, 住拽住 讻讜砖诇, 讛转诪讻专讜转 诇讝讗专讛, 讛讜专讬诐 诪讟讜专诇诇讬诐 讜讛专讘讛 砖讬讞讜转 注诐 讛拽讛诇. 转讻讬谞讜 讗讚讜讜讬诇 讻讬 诇诪讞专转 转讻讗讘 诇讻诐 讛诇住转 讜讙诐 讻讬 讗转诐 住转诐 诪讘讜讙专讬诐.

诪砖讱 讛诪讜驻注: 90 讚拽讜转
诪讜驻注 驻讜转讞: 讟诇 诪讬讻诇讜讘讬抓’ 讛谞住讬讻讛
诪讬讜注讚 诇讙讬诇讗讬 18 讜诪注诇讛
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