Tue 30 May 2023 | 10:00 pm - 11:30 pm
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New on Sputnik > Deep Dave (Darwish’s techno project) launches together with Sputnik a new and interesting night in the big city ~ Greenhouse Academy.
Darwish’s music crosses genres and styles and is always characterized by tribal and rooted sounds. Whether it’s trance or techno you can always recognize his unique style signature.
At Greenhouse he will focus on exactly this seam, between trance and techno. The Techtrance scene is strong and kicking all over the world, and it will host the most interesting and innovative producers and DJs that swim in it.
A night that is not all trance and not all techno, it will be a night unlike any other.

Location: 122 Allenby, Tel Aviv

讞讚砖 讘住驻讜讟谞讬拽 > Deep Dave (驻专讜讬讬拽讟 讛讟讻谞讜 砖诇 Darwish) 诪砖讬拽 讬讞讚 注诐 讛住驻讜讟谞讬拽 诇讬诇讛 讞讚砖 讜诪注谞讬讬谉 讘注讬专 讛讙讚讜诇讛 ~ Greenhouse Academy.
讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 砖诇 讚专讜讜讬砖 讞讜爪讛 讝壮讗谞专讬诐 讜住讙谞讜谞讜转 讜转诪讬讚 诪讗讜驻讬讬谞转 讘爪诇讬诇讬诐 砖讘讟讬讬诐 讜砖讜专砖讬讬诐. 讗诐 讝讛 讟专讗谞住 讗讜 讟讻谞讜 转诪讬讚 谞讬转谉 诇讝讛讜转 讗转 讞转讬诪转 讛住讙谞讜谉 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬 砖诇讜.
讘 Greenhouse 讛讜讗 讬转诪拽讚 讘讚讬讜拽 讘转驻专 讛讝讛, 砖讘讬谉 讛讟专讗谞住 诇讟讻谞讜. 住爪谞转 Techtrance 讞讝拽讛 讜讘讜注讟转 讘讻诇 讛注讜诇诐, 讜讛讜讗 讬讗专讞 讗转 讛诪驻讬拽讬诐 讜讛讚讬 讙壮讬讬住 讛讻讬 诪注谞讬讬谞讬诐 讜讛讻讬 讞讚砖谞讬讬诐 砖砖讜讞讬诐 讘讛.
诇讬诇讛 砖讛讜讗 诇讗 诇讙诪专讬 讟专讗谞住 讜诇讗 诇讙诪专讬 讟讻谞讜, 讝讛 讬讛讬讛 诇讬诇讛 砖诇讗 讚讜诪讛 诇砖讜诐 讚讘专 讗讞专.
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