Mon 10 October 2022 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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You are invited to celebrate a decade of activity with us.

Hagarin celebrates 10 years of activity and invites you to a special evening of celebrations.

For the benefit of the event, we invited the Estonian rapper Tommy Cash to perform. More guests will be announced soon.

We are currently opening the sale so that the close friends could purchase at the supermarket early, a special and especially reduced price before we publish the full lineup and the other surprises.

The crazy giant Estonian Tommy Cash is joined by a respectable and precise Israeli team.
In the coming week we will publish one after the other so, get the first surprise.
straight from the elves.

Members who contributed at the time to the crowdfunding project for the establishment of the new complex are of course invited to use the tickets for entry and will also receive a special notice before the general announcement.


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讛讬砖专 诪讛讗诇驻讬诐. 讛讜讗 讜诇讗 讗讞专. – 驻 诇 讚

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