Sat 11 August 2018 | 9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
BuXa - Rothschild Boulevard 31, Tel Aviv,

Break your routine and join us at the Buxa for a night full of the very best Funk, groove and hip-hop brought to you by some of the funkiest DJs in the city!

馃幍 DJ MESH 馃幍
New York may have Grandmaster Flash but we have the one and only DJ Mesh! He’s coming down to bring us some of that funky-ass hip hop!

馃帶 Michael Emet 馃帶
From his early days in Soulico Crew, Michael (formerly known as ShimiSonic) has been keeping it funky and fresh. He is going to spin some records that will take you to another galaxy on the mothership, fellas.

馃崺 Tune 馃崺
From James Brown to Funkadelic and, Outkast (hell yeah!), Tune is coming packed loaded with groove!

讘讜讗讜 诇砖讘讜专 讗转 讛砖讬讙专讛 注诐 注专讘 砖诇诐 砖诇 驻’讗谞拽, 讙专讜讘 讜讛讬驻 讛讜驻 砖诪谞诪谉 讘诪讬讜讞讚
诇讻讘讜讚 讛注专讘 讛诪讬讜讞讚 讛讝讛, 讚讗讙谞讜 诇爪讬讬讚 讗转 讛讘讜拽住讗 注诐 讻诪讛 诪讛讚讬讙’讬讝 讛讟讜讘讬诐 讘讬讜转专 砖讬砖 诇注讬专 诇讛爪讬注:

馃幍 讚讬讙’讬 诪讗砖 馃幍
诇谞讬讜 讬讜专拽 讬砖 讗转 讙专讗谞讚 诪讗住讟专 驻诇讗砖 讜诇谞讜 讬砖 讗转 讚讬讙’讬 诪讗砖. 讛住谞讚谞拽 砖诇 讛讛讬驻 讛讜驻 诪讙讬注 诇转转 住讟 驻’讗谞拽讬 讘诪讬讜讞讚

馃帶 诪讬讻讗诇 讗诪转 馃帶
注讜讚 诪讬诪讬讜 讛诪讜拽讚诪讬诐 讘住讜诇讬拽讜 拽专讜, 诪讬讻讗诇 (诇砖注讘专 砖讬诪讬 住讜谞讬拽) 砖诪专 注诇 讝讛 驻’讗谞拽讬 讜诪专注谞谉. 注讻砖讬讜 讛讜讗 诪讙讬注 诇讘讜拽住讗 诇注砖讜转 诇讻诐 谞注讬诐 讘讗讝谞讬讬诐

馃崺 讟讬讜谉 馃崺
诪讙’讬讬诪住 讘专讗讜谉, 诇驻’讗谞拽讚诇讬拽 讜注讚 诇讗讜讜讟拽住讟. 讟讬讜谉 诪讙讬注 注诐 住讟 诪诇讗 讘讙专讜讘 砖讞讜专
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