Thu 21 September 2017 - Sun 24 September 2017 | 2:00 pm - 11:00 am
Kinneret - Kinneret, Kinneret, From 200 NIS

Celebrate together the Day of Equinox and the International Day of Peace. This year the Hebrew date is on the first of Tishrei, so we also meet together to celebrate Rosh Hashana!

There will be a sacred fire and a deep ceremonial space that will take us all to a synchronized global universal pulse, starting from Thursday 21/9, the day of equality until the end of the gathering for the world prayer on Saturday night.

There will be a stage with amazing and varied music, Ethnic, jazz, African, sacred, and more. There will, of course, be a rich knowledge base with inspirational workshops, workshops, ecology, empowerment, inspiration, practical workshops on connecting people and land, social lectures on good activities that save the world.

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook