Wed 13 March 2024 | 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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The duo brothers come to Rafi to make us feel good and we in return will confess and dance

Duo Brothers
A super group of some of the leading jazz musicians in Israel, each of them with several decades of experience on the biggest stages in Israel and abroad. In the current line-up, the duo brothers play psychedelic jazz smooth and cool in a special way that flows into
Enco RNB.
Intuitive, groovy(!), pleasant, uplifting and terrifyingly tight music.
They come with a very unique chemistry and energy and give a head like only experienced musicians like them can.

讛讗讞讬诐 讚讜讗讜 讘讗讬诐 诇专驻讬 诇注砖讜转 诇谞讜 谞注讬诐 讜讟讜讘 讜讗谞讞谞讜 讘转诪讜专讛 谞讜讚讛, 谞专拽讜讚 讜谞谞讝讜诇

Duo Brothers
住讜旨驻专 讙专讜旨驻 砖诇 讻诪讛 诪谞讙谞讬 讛讙’讗讝 讛诪讜止讘讬诇讬诐 讘讗专抓, 讻诇 讗讞讚 诪讛诐 注诐 谞讬住讬讜止谉 砖诇 讻诪讛 注砖讜止专讬诐 注诇 讛讘诪讜止转 讛讙讚讜止诇讜止转 讘讗专抓 讜讘讞讜止”诇. 讘讛专讻讘 讛谞讜止讻讞讬 讛讗讞讬诐 讚讜旨讗讜止 诪谞讙谞讬诐 讙’讗讝 驻住讬讻讚诇讬 住诪讜旨转壮 讜拽讜旨诇 讘诪讬讜旨讞讚 砖谞讜止讝诇 诇讜止 诇转讜止讱
讗谞拽f讜 RNB.
诪讜旨讝讬拽讛 讗讬谞讟讜旨讗讬讟讬讘讬转, 讙专讜旨讘讬转(!), 谞注讬诪讛, 诪专讬诪讛 讜讛讚讜旨拽讛 诇讛讞专讬讚.
讛诐 讘讗讬诐 注诐 讻讬诪讬讛 讜讗谞专讙讬讜止转 讬讬讞讜旨讚讬讜止转 诪讗讜止讚 讜谞讜止转谞讬诐 讘专讗砖 讻诪讜止 砖专拽 谞讙谞讬诐 诪谞讜旨住讬诐 讻诪讜止讛诐 讬讻讜止诇讬诐.

讙讬讟专讛 – 讬讜谞转谉 诇讜讬
转讜驻讬诐 – 讗讘讬讘 讻讛谉
讘住 – 讗诇讬住祝 讘砖讗专讬
拽诇讬讚讬诐 讜住讬谞讟讬诐 – 砖讗讜诇 注砖转

讜讗讬讱 谞砖诪注?
诇讬讬讘 住砖谞讬诐


讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转
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