Tue 14 August 2018 | 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Maze 9 - Maze 9, Tel Aviv, FREE

The Mazeh 9 Gallery is proud to present >>>

My brother where you live, a photography project, a moderator

What is a home? Are these walls surrounding the person who lives inside? What if someone said that he lived in a tent? Is the “house” defined only by its ownership, or by arnona bills and electricity? With these questions, the photographer Mena Nofeh went out to document various life forms of residence, armed with a camera and surprised each time by the hospitality she received in the various houses. Nofe photographed the different from her.

Over the years, the artist has photographed dozens of houses, among them: a Mongolian tent in the Gilboa, a young man who lives with his dog in a small caravan, a house in Jaffa dedicated to Indian culture, a home that is actually a concert hall, A moment before he is evacuated, a Burmese house, a huge tower, nomads and more.

The exhibition presents 10 series of photographs, each series tells the story of one house, and the story of the person who lives there – about his beliefs, his way of life and his dreams.

The launch will take place on Sunday, 05/08, at 19:30 – free entrance 🙂

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