Mon 3 July 2023 | 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
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Attention – a new date has been set for the event!
Join us on Monday, 7/3 at 7:30 PM in Reading-Allenby (43 Allenby)

The We Are The City faction summarizes five years of activity in the city council, and prepares for the upcoming elections.

Almost 5 years have passed since the municipal elections. In the past five years, “We the City” led the opposition activity in the city council, and formed an activity framework and an address for organizations, organizations, residents and residents who joined together in dozens of struggles throughout the city – against forced evictions in neighborhoods, for the evacuation of the new central station, for the green areas and urban nature, to promote policies Social housing and improvement of the education and welfare systems, especially for the older communities in Jaffa and south Tel Aviv, and the young and retired populations who are pushed out of the city due to the increasing housing and living prices.

We are happy and pleased to invite you to an event where we will summarize the faction’s activities in the past term, and open up a discussion on the issues that must be at the core of municipal activity in the coming years.

砖讬诪讜 诇讘 – 谞拽讘注 转讗专讬讱 讞讚砖 诇讗讬专讜注!
讛爪讟专驻讜 讗诇讬谞讜 讘讬讜诐 砖谞讬, 讛-3.7 讘砖注讛 19:30 讘专讬讚讬谞讙-讗诇谞讘讬 (讗诇谞讘讬 43)

住讬注转 讗谞讞谞讜 讛注讬专 诪住讻诪转 讞诪砖 砖谞讬诐 砖诇 驻注讬诇讜转 讘诪讜注爪转 讛注讬专讬讬讛, 讜谞注专讻转 诇讘讞讬专讜转 讛拽专讜讘讜转.

讻诪注讟 5 砖谞讬诐 讞诇驻讜 诪讗讝 诪注专讻转 讛讘讞讬专讜转 讛注讬专讜谞讬转. 讘讞诪砖 讛砖谞讬诐 讛讞讜诇驻讜转 “讗谞讞谞讜 讛注讬专” 讛讜讘讬诇讛 讗转 讛驻注讬诇讜转 讛讗讜驻讜讝讬爪讬讜谞讬转 讘诪讜注爪转 讛注讬专讬讬讛, 讜讛讬讜讜转讛 诪住讙专转 驻注讬诇讜转 讜讻转讜讘转 诇讛转讗专讙谞讜讬讜转, 讗专讙讜谞讬诐, 转讜砖讘讜转 讜转讜砖讘讬诐 砖讞讘专讜 讬讞讚 诇注砖专讜转 诪讗讘拽讬诐 讘专讞讘讬 讛注讬专 – 谞讙讚 驻讬谞讜讬讬诐 讻驻讜讬讬诐 讘砖讻讜谞讜转, 诇诪注谉 驻讬谞讜讬 讛转讞谞讛 讛诪专讻讝讬转 讛讞讚砖讛, 诇诪注谉 讛砖讟讞讬诐 讛讬专讜拽讬诐 讜讛讟讘注 讛注讬专讜谞讬, 诇拽讬讚讜诐 诪讚讬谞讬讜转 讚讬讜专 讞讘专转讬转 讜砖讬驻讜专 砖诇 诪注专讻讜转 讛讞讬谞讜讱 讜讛专讜讜讞讛, 讘诪讬讜讞讚 注讘讜专 讛拽讛讬诇讜转 讛讜转讬拽讜转 讘讬驻讜 讜讘讚专讜诐 转诇 讗讘讬讘, 讜讗讜讻诇讜住讬讜转 讛爪注讬专讬诐 讜讛讙诪诇讗讬诐 讗砖专 谞讚讞拽讜转 诪讛注讬专 诇谞讜讻讞 诪讞讬专讬 讛讚讬讜专 讜讛诪讞讬讬讛 讛讙讜讘专讬诐.

讗谞讞谞讜 砖诪讞讜转 讜砖诪讞讬诐 诇讛讝诪讬谞讻诐 诇讗讬专讜注 讘讜 谞住讻诐 讗转 驻注讬诇讜转 讛住讬注讛 讘讻讛讜谞讛 讛讞讜诇驻转, 讜谞驻转讞 讘讚讬讜谉 注诇 讛谞讜砖讗讬诐 砖讞讬讬讘讬诐 诇注诪讜讚 讘诇讬讘讛 砖诇 讛驻注讬诇讜转 讛注讬专讜谞讬转 讘砖谞讬诐 讛拽专讜讘讜转.

讞讘专讜转 讜讞讘专 讛住讬注讛,
砖讜诇讛 拽砖转, 诪讜专讬讛 砖诇讜诪讜转 讜讗诪讬专 讘讚专讗谉

賰鬲賱丞 丕丨賳丕 丕賱亘賱丿 鬲賱禺氐 禺賲爻 爻賳賵丕鬲 賲賳 丕賱賳卮丕胤 賮賷 丕賱賲噩賱爻 丕賱亘賱丿賷 貙 賵鬲爻鬲毓丿 賱賱丕賳鬲禺丕亘丕鬲 丕賱賲賯亘賱丞.

賱賯丿 賲乇鬲 丨賵丕賱賷 5 爻賳賵丕鬲 毓賱賶 丕賱丕賳鬲禺丕亘丕鬲 丕賱亘賱丿賷丞. 賮賷 丕賱爻賳賵丕鬲 丕賱禺賲爻 丕賱賲丕囟賷丞 貙 賯丕丿鬲 賰鬲賱丞 ” 丕丨賳丕 丕賱亘賱丿 ” 賳卮丕胤 丕賱賲毓丕乇囟丞 賮賷 丕賱賲噩賱爻 丕賱亘賱丿賷貙 賵卮賰賱鬲 廿胤丕乇賸丕 賱賱賳卮丕胤 賵毓賳賵丕賳賸丕 賱鬲賳馗賷賲 丕賱賲賳馗賲丕鬲 賵丕賱爻賰丕賳 丕賱匕賷賳 丕賳囟賲賵丕 丕賱賷賳丕 賮賷 毓卮乇丕鬲 丕賱賳囟丕賱丕鬲 賮賷 噩賲賷毓 兀賳丨丕亍 丕賱賲丿賷賳丞: 囟丿 丕賱廿禺賱丕亍 丕賱賯爻乇賷 賮賷 丕賱賲丿賷賳丞貙 賲賳 兀噩賱 廿禺賱丕亍 丕賱賲丨胤丞 丕賱賲乇賰夭賷丞 丕賱噩丿賷丿丞 貙 賲賳 丕噩賱 賵噩賴丕鬲 禺囟乇丕亍 賵胤亘賷毓丞 毓賲乇丕賳賷丞 貙 賱鬲毓夭賷夭 爻賷丕爻丕鬲 丕賱廿爻賰丕賳 丕賱丕噩鬲賲丕毓賷 賵鬲丨爻賷賳 兀賳馗賲丞 丕賱鬲毓賱賷賲 賵丕賱乇毓丕賷丞 賵丕賱乇賮丕賴賷丞 貙 禺丕氐丞 賱爻賰丕賳 賷丕賮丕 賵噩賳賵亘 鬲賱 兀亘賷亘 貙 賵丕賱卮亘丕亘 賵丕賱賲鬲賯丕毓丿賷賳 丕賱爻賰丕賳 丕賱匕賷賳 胤乇丿賵丕 賲賳 丕賱賲丿賷賳丞 亘爻亘亘 丕乇鬲賮丕毓 兀爻毓丕乇 丕賱賲爻丕賰賳 賵丕賱賲毓賷卮丞.

賷爻毓丿賳丕 丿毓賵鬲賰賲/賳 廿賱賶 丨丿孬 丨賷孬 爻賳賱禺氐 賳卮丕胤丕鬲 丕賱賰鬲賱丞 賮賷 丕賱賮鬲乇丞 丕賱賲丕囟賷丞 貙 賵賳賮鬲丨 賳賯丕卮賸丕 丨賵賱 丕賱賯囟丕賷丕 丕賱鬲賷 賷噩亘 兀賳 鬲賰賵賳 賮賷 氐賲賷賲 丕賱賳卮丕胤 丕賱亘賱丿賷 賮賷 丕賱爻賳賵丕鬲 丕賱賯丕丿賲丞.

丕賳囟賲賵丕 廿賱賷賳丕!

爻賳賰賵賳 爻毓丿丕亍 賱乇丐賷鬲賰賲/賳!

兀毓囟丕亍 丕賱賰鬲賱丞 貙
卮賵賱丕 賰賷卮賷鬲 賵賲賵乇賷丕 卮賱賵賲賵鬲 賵兀賲賷乇 亘丿乇丕賳
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