Thu 1 June 2023 | 10:00 pm - 11:30 pm
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The previous time of this special was 4 years ago
In 1.6 it returns
Depeche Mode Vs. Tears for Fears – the two bands from Britain who also appeared with us exactly twice and we were showered with a flood of hits and favorite songs, who remain in our hearts forever.

All the hits of the 2 bands, studio versions, live, b-sides and other surprises
Accompanied by the original clips on a huge screen
This special is a wonderful opportunity to visit the rest of the kingdom:
Bowie, The Smiths, Duran Duran, New Order, The Cure, The Clash, Adam and the Ants, Boy George, George Michael, Bronski Beat, Spandau Ballet, Madness, Soft Cell, Thompson Twins, Pet Shop Boys, Yazoo , Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Kim Wilde, Roxy Music and whatever other magic happened
In the British Kingdom in particular and in the 80s in general 馃檪

Madness at the bar – 1+1 in the first hour

For diaries – 1.6.23
Doors: 22:00
Hasharon 12 Tel Aviv

Discounted here:


讛驻注诐 讛拽讜讚诪转 砖诇 讛住驻讬讬砖诇 讛讝讛 讛讬讬转讛 诇驻谞讬 4 砖谞讬诐
讘-1.6 讝讛 讞讜讝专
Depeche Mode Vs. Tears for Fears
砖转讬 讛诇讛拽讜转 诪讘专讬讟谞讬讛 砖讙诐 讛讜驻讬注讜 讗爪诇谞讜 讘讚讬讜拽 驻注诪讬讬诐
讜讛诪讟讬专讜 注诇讬谞讜 诪讘讜诇 砖诇 诇讛讬讟讬诐 讜砖讬专讬诐 讗讛讜讘讬诐
砖谞砖讗专讬诐 讘诇讬讘谞讜 诇谞爪讞.
讻诇 讛诇讛讬讟讬诐 砖诇 2 讛诇讛拽讜转, 讙专住讗讜转 住讟讜讚讬讜, 诇讬讬讘讬诐, 讘讬 住讬讬讚住 讜讛驻转注讜转 谞讜住驻讜转
讘诇讬讜讜讬 讛拽诇讬驻讬诐 讛诪拽讜专讬讬诐 注诇 诪住讱 注谞拽
讛住驻讬讬砖诇 讛讝讛 讛讜讗 讛讝讚诪谞讜转 谞讬驻诇讗讛 诇讘拽专 讘砖讗专 讛诪诪诇讻讛 :
讘讜讗讬, 讛住诪讬转壮住, 讚讜专讗谉 讚讜专讗谉, 谞讬讜 讗讜专讚专, 讛拽讬讜专, 讛拽诇讗砖, 讗讚诐 讜讛谞诪诇讬诐, 讘讜讬 讙壮讜专讙壮, 讙壮讜专讙壮 诪讬讬拽诇, 讘专讜谞住拽讬 讘讬讟, 砖驻谞讚讗讜 讘诇讟, 诪讚谞住, 住讜驻讟 住诇, 转讗讜诪讬 转讜诪驻住讜谉, 驻讟 砖讜驻 讘讜讬讬住, 讬讗讝讜, 驻讬讟专 讙讘专讬讗诇, 拽讬讬讟 讘讜砖, 拽讬诐 讜讜讬讬诇讚, 专讜拽住讬 诪讬讜讝讬拽 讜讻诇 拽住诐 谞讜住祝 砖讛转专讞砖
讘诪诪诇讻讛 讛讘专讬讟讬转 讘驻专讟 讜讘砖谞讜转 讛-80 讘讻诇诇 馃檪

注诇 讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 讜讛拽住诪讬诐
住转讬讜 讘谉 讬拽专

专讞讘讛 谞讜住驻转 注诐 诇讛讬讟讬 砖谞讜转 讛80 砖诇 驻诇讗砖讘拽
注诐 讗诪讬专 讻讛谉 讛诪专讙砖

讟讬专讜祝 讘讘专 – 1+1 讘砖注讛 讛专讗砖讜谞讛

诇讬讜诪谞讬诐 – 1.6.23
讚诇转讜转 : 22:00
讛砖专讜谉 12 转状讗

诪讜讝诇讬诐 讻讗谉 :
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