Thu 24 March 2022 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Cafe Shapira - Ralbag 15, Tel Aviv,

Animator Uri Goldberg lectures on the cultural context of the controversial series (and do not say that you did not argue with your friends about the series being really good / unbearable) “The Gospel at Midnight”

What exactly makes a work psychedelic? What is the gospel that is being preached to us, and in what hall? And why does Clancy have a side bag? Insights into shamanic visions, mischievous gargoyles, the animation industry and 19th century magicians’ associations.

Lecture with an invitation to a conversation at the end.

Admission is free Recommended support 40 NIS


(((拽驻讛 砖驻讬专讗 诪讗专讞讬诐 讗转 拽讜诇拽讟讬讘 转讜讛讜 诇讛专爪讗转 讗谞讬诪爪讬讛 驻住讬讻讚诇讬转)))

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诪讛 讘注爪诐 讛讜驻讱 讬爪讬专讛 诇驻住讬讻讚诇讬转? 诪讛讬 讛讘砖讜专讛 砖诪谞住讬诐 诇讘砖专 诇谞讜, 讜讘讗讬讝讛 讛讬讻诇? 讜诇诪讛 诇拽诇谞住讬 讬砖 转讬拽 爪讚? 转讜讘谞讜转 注诇 讞讝讬讜谞讜转 砖诪讗谞讬讬诐, 讙专讙讜讬诇讬诐 砖讜讘讘讬诐, 转注砖讬讬转 讛讗谞讬诪爪讬讛 讜讗讙讜讚讜转 拽讜住诪讬诐 诪讛诪讗讛 讛-19.

讛专爪讗讛 注诐 讛讝诪谞讛 诇砖讬讞讛 讘住讜驻讛.

讛讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转 | 转诪讬讻讛 诪讜诪诇爪转 40 砖”讞
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