Tue 18 July 2023 | All Day
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If you’ve been sitting on the fence, if you’ve been saying “I’ll go to the next protest,” this is the time.

The government is advancing the “reasonableness” bill this week, and it’s a direct attack on our democracy. Israel doesn’t have a written constitution, a second house, or a powerful head of state. Our only safeguard against the government is an independent judiciary.

Without an independent judiciary, the government can do whatever it wants. It can cancel elections, annex the West Bank without giving its Arab citizens the vote, and trample on LGBTQ+ and women’s rights.

We can’t let this happen. We have to take action. There is a huge Day of Disruption planned on Tuesday. We need to flood the streets, make our voices heard, and show the government that we will not stand for this.

We’ll keep on updating this post as we get more info.

This is our moment. We can’t afford to sit on the sidelines any longer. Let’s stand up for our democracy and protect our rights.

Protests in Tel Aviv:

4:30 p.m. at the platforms of five Israel Railways stations: Haifa Center Hashmona, Binyamina, Herzliya, Tel Aviv HaShalom, and Lod Station.

6:30 PM protest at US embassy in Tel Aviv

8:30 PM protests at Democracy Square (Kaplan Street) and around the country

Protests Around the Country:

06:30 讛转讻谞住讜转 讘讛讘讬诪讛 诇驻注讬诇讜转 诪讬讜讞讚转 讘专讞讘讬 转状讗
07:00 诪讞讗讜转, 爪注讚讜转, 砖讬讬专讜转, 讞住讬诪讜转 讜砖讬讘讜砖讬诐 讘讻诇 讛讗专抓
08:00 讙讚专讛, 爪讜诪转 讛专爪诇/讘谉 讙讜专讬讜谉
08:00 讙砖专 讘讬转 讬谞讗讬
08:30 讻驻专 住讘讗 专注谞谞讛, 诪讞诇祝 531
08:30 讛讜讚 讛砖专讜谉, 转讞谞转 专讻讘转 住讜拽讜诇讜讘
09:30 讛驻讙谞讜转 讚讜专 讛诪讬讬住讚讬诐 讘讘转讬诐 诪讜讙谞讬诐 讜讘讘转讬 讛讗讘讜转. 诪讜拽讚讬诐 诪讜诪诇爪讬诐: 讗讞讜讝转 爪讛诇讛, 住砖讛 讗专讙讜讘 18 转”讗, 诪讙讚诇讬 讛讬诐 讛转讬讻讜谉, 讚专讱 讛讬诐 4 讙谞讬 转拽讜讜讛
09:30 讛驻讙谞讛 讘讘讬转 讛讛住转讚专讜转 讘转状讗
10:00 爪讜诪转 讬讚 诪专讚讻讬
10:30 讛驻讙谞讜转 诪讜诇 讘转讬 讛讚讬谉 讛专讘谞讬讬诐
12:00 驻转讞 转拽讜讜讛, 诪专讟讬谉 讙讛诇
12:00 专诪转 讙谉, 爪讜诪转 注讬诇讬转
16:00 诪讞讗讜转 讘专爪讬驻讬 专讻讘转 讬砖专讗诇: 讞讬驻讛 诪专讻讝 讛砖诪讜谞讛, 讘谞讬诪讬谞讛, 讛专爪诇讬讛, 转诇 讗讘讬讘 讛砖诇讜诐, 诇讜讚
17:30 诇讘 讛砖专讜谉, 讙砖专 讚专讜专讬诐
18:00 讛驻讙谞讛 讘讻讬讻专 讗讙专谞讟, 讬专讜砖诇讬诐
18:00 讞讚专讛, 爪讜诪转 讛诪砖讟专讛
18:30 讛驻讙谞讛 讘砖讙专讬专讜转 讗专讛状讘 转状讗
18:30 注转诇讬转, 讙砖专 谞讜讜讛 诪砖讛
18:45 爪讜诪转 注讬谉 讬讛讘
19:00 诪砖诪专 讛砖专讜谉, 爪讜诪转 讛注讜讙谉
19:00 注讻讜, 爪讜诪转 注讬谉 讛诪驻专抓
19:00 转诇 讗讘讬讘, 讛驻讙谞转 讛诇讜讞诪讬诐, 讛拽专讬讛, 拽驻诇谉 36
19:00 注讬谉 讞专讜讚, 爪讜诪转 讬砖砖讻专
19:30 讗诇讬拽讬诐, 讙砖专 讗诇讬拽讬诐
19:30 注专讚, 爪讜诪转 讛讻谞讬住讛 诇注讬专
19:30 爪诪讞, 爪讜诪转 爪诪讞
20:00 讘讗专 砖讘注, 砖讚专讜转 专讙专
20:00 讗讬诇转, 讘讬谉 讛诪讜诇 诇驻谞讬谞转 讗讬诇转
20:30 拽驻诇谉 讜诪讜拽讚讬诐 诪专讻讝讬讬诐 讘专讞讘讬 讛讗专抓

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