Fri 30 December 2022 | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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Come celebrate the end of 2022 with a Critical Mass ride, rolling the streets as we do every last Friday of the month! It’s a bike party, with Tel Aviv wind in your hair and good people in your lane.

We’ll cycle the road together with party vibes, celebrating everyone who gets around the city without all that traffic jam pollution nonsense — and we’ll finish off with a drink.

See you in Habima Square, by the small hill with a tree on it!

More Details:
* We’ll meet at Habima Square at 13:00 and set off at 13:30.
* We’re into having fun and being seen and heard. So please bring whistles, bells, costumes, and if you have speakers: some music!
* We ride at a chilled pace, so no need to be in amazing shape or have a fancy bike. We cycle on the road as a group, where we have safety in numbers and look out for each other.
* We ride every month, whatever the weather.
* For anyone worried about such things – it’s all legal and no special permit is required from the police. We follow the rules of the road.
* The rides are part of the global Critical Mass movement, and take place in hundreds of cities around the world at the end of each month. We don’t have a formal leadership and anyone who wishes to contribute to organizing the rides is very welcome to get involved! Please also join our Facebook group: You can read about the history of Critical Mass on


注讜砖讜转 诪住讬讘转 住讬讜诐 诇砖谞转 2022 注诐 专讻讬讘转 诪住讛 拽专讬讟讬转, 砖讬讜爪讗转 诇专讞讜讘讜转 讻诪讜 讘讻诇 砖讬砖讬 讗讞专讜谉 砖诇 讛讞讜讚砖! 诪住讬讘讛 讻讬驻讬转 注诇 讗讜驻谞讬讬诐, 注诐 专讜讞 转诇讗讘讬讘讬转 讘砖讬注专 讜讗谞砖讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐 讘讗诪爪注 讛谞转讬讘.

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注讜讚 讻诪讛 驻专讟讬诐:
* 谞驻讙砖 讘讻讬讻专 讛讘讬诪讛 讘-13:00 讜谞爪讗 诇专讻讜讘 讘-13:30
* 讗谞讞谞讜 讘拽讟注 砖诇 诇注砖讜转 砖诪讞, 诇专讗讜转 讜诇讛讬专讗讜转. 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇讛讘讬讗 诪砖专讜拽讬讜转, 驻注诪讜谞讬诐, 转讞驻讜砖讜转, 讜讗诐 讬砖 诇讻诐 讛讙讘专讛: 诪讜-讝讬-拽讛!
* 讛专讻讬讘讛 讘拽爪讘 谞讜讞 讜砖讜讜讛 诇讻诇 专讙诇. 诇讗 爪专讬讱 诇讛讬讜转 讘讻讜砖专 注讬诇讗讬 讗讜 诇讛讘讬讗 讗讜驻谞讬讬诐 砖诇 诪拽爪讜注谞讬诐. 诪讚讜讘专 讘专讻讬讘讛 拽讘讜爪转讬转 注诇 讛讻讘讬砖, 砖诐 讻讜诇谞讜 砖讜诪专讜转 讗讞转 注诇 讛砖谞讬.
* 讗谞讞谞讜 专讜讻讘讬诐 讻诇 讞讜讚砖 讜讘讻诇 诪讝讙 讗讜讜讬专
* 诇诪讬 砖砖讜讗诇转 – 讛讻讜诇 讞讜拽讬 讜讗讬谉 爪讜专讱 讘讗讬砖讜专 诪讛诪砖讟专讛. 讗谞讞谞讜 砖讜诪专讬诐 注诇 讞讜拽讬 讛转谞讜注讛.
* 讛专讻讬讘讜转 讛谉 讞诇拽 诪转谞讜注转 诪住讛 拽专讬讟讬转, 讜诪转拽讬讬诪讜转 讘住讜祝 讻诇 讞讜讚砖 讘诪讗讜转 注专讬诐 讘注讜诇诐. 讝讜 转谞讜注讛 诇诇讗 诪谞讛讬讙讜转, 讜讻诇 诪讬 砖专讜爪讛 诇讛砖转转祝 讘讗讬专讙讜谉 讛专讻讬讘讜转 诪讜讝诪谞/转 诪讗讜讚! 专爪讜讬 讙诐 诇讛爪讟专祝 诇拽讘讜爪转 讛驻讬讬住讘讜拽 砖诇谞讜
讗驻砖专 诇拽专讜讗 注诇 讛讛讬住讟讜专讬讛 砖诇 诪住讛 拽专讬讟讬转 讻讗谉:

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