Sat 9 July 2022 | 9:00 pm - 11:45 pm
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7.7.22 Saturday
Doors open -20:30
Start of performance – 22:00
Tickets – 179 NIS

The band was formed in Sydney by Simon Bonney at the age of 16.
Crime & the City Solution’s early appearances from 1977-1979 had a major impact on key figures in Melbourne’s early art-punk / post-punk scene.
In 1984, Bad Seed-Mick Harvey sent Simon Bonney to England to form “Crime” in London with their friend, the most brilliant and influential guitarist ever, Rowland S Howard, a Birthday Party guitarist, and his brother Harry Howard on bass.
Two years later, after touring Europe, the UK and the US and releasing a number of EPs and an album, this band culminated in a historic performance in Wim Wenders’ cinematic masterpiece “Wings of Desire”.
Bonnie said his true voice and the distinct sound he was looking for appeared with the next incarnation, Berlin-based Crime & the City Solution, which recorded three studio albums and a live disc between 1986 and 1991. With a more experimental sound, leaning less on the roots of Melbourne’s post-punk scene and taking a more exploratory musical approach.
This ensemble was 50% Berlin and featured Alexander Hacke from Einst眉rzende Neubauten on guitar, ex-DAF electronic genius Chrislo Haas on Korg’s vintage synth, and fruit jazz bassist Thomas Stern. The ensemble was completed by Australian Mick Harvey on drums and Bonnie Adams’ longtime partner on violin.
In 2012, the band that was now based in Detroit came back with their fifth studio album, American Twilight.
Simon Bonnie and Bronwin Adams have announced their return to Europe after a ten-year hiatus, at the helm of a new incarnation of the Berlin-based squad.
The newly formed band will go on tour in Europe in May, which will last throughout the summer and will also reach us in Tel Aviv, before the band returns to the UK in September for a series of dates that will include Glasgow, Nottingham, Manchester, London and Bristol.
Crime & the City Solution VI, the latest incarnation of the band formed in 1977 in Sydney, includes the founding builders of vocals, Bronwin Adams on violin and background vocals, the acclaimed Australian drummer acting in Berlin Chris Hughes, guitar maestro Giorgio Valentino, Berlin bassist Baron Anstis and partner and old friend, Melbourne-born guitarist and pianist Donald Baldy.


9.7.22 诪讜爪”砖
驻转讬讞转 讚诇转讜转 -20:30
转讞讬诇转 讛讜驻注讛 – 22:00
讻专讟讬住讬诐 – 179 砖”讞

讛诇讛拽讛 讛讜拽诪讛 讘住讬讚谞讬 注诇 讬讚讬 Simon Bonney 讘讙讬诇 16.
诇讛讜驻注讜转 讛诪讜拽讚诪讜转 砖诇 Crime & the City Solution 讘讬谉 讛砖谞讬诐 1977-1979 讛讬讬转讛 讛砖驻注讛 讙讚讜诇讛 注诇 讚诪讜讬讜转 诪驻转讞 讘住爪谞转 讛讗诪谞讜转-驻讗谞拽/驻讜住讟-驻讗谞拽 讛诪讜拽讚诪转 砖诇 诪诇讘讜专谉.
讘砖谞转 1984, Bad Seed-Mick Harvey 砖诇讞 讗转 Simon Bonney 诇讗谞讙诇讬讛 讻讚讬 诇讛拽讬诐 讗转 “Crime” 讘诇讜谞讚讜谉 注诐 讞讘专诐, 讛讙讬讟专讬住讟 讛诪讘专讬拽 讜讛诪砖驻讬注 诪转诪讬讚, Rowland S Howard, 讙讬讟专讬住讟 Birthday Party, 讜注诐 讗讞讬讜 Harry Howard 讘讘住.
砖谞转讬讬诐 诇讗讞专 诪讻谉, 诇讗讞专 砖住讬讬专讜 讘讗讬专讜驻讛, 讘讘专讬讟谞讬讛 讜讘讗专讛”讘 讜讛讜爪讬讗讜 诪住驻专 EP’s 讜讗诇讘讜诐, 讛讛专讻讘 讛讝讛 讛讙讬注 诇砖讬讗讜 讘讛讜驻注讛 讛讬住讟讜专讬转 讘讬爪讬专转 讛诪讜驻转 讛拽讜诇谞讜注讬转 砖诇 讜讬诐 讜谞讚专住 “Wings of Desire”.
讘讜谞讬 讗诪专 砖讛拽讜诇 讛讗诪讬转讬 砖诇讜 讜讛住讗讜谞讚 讛诪讜讘讛拽 砖讞讬驻砖 讛讜驻讬注讜 注诐 讛讙诇讙讜诇 讛讘讗, 诪讘讜住住 讘专诇讬谉 砖诇 Crime & the City Solution, 砖讛拽诇讬讟 砖诇讜砖讛 讗诇讘讜诪讬 讗讜诇驻谉 讜讚讬住拽 诇讬讬讘 讘讬谉 1986 诇-1991. 注诐 住讗讜谞讚 谞讬住讬讜谞讬 讬讜转专, 砖谞砖注谉 驻讞讜转 注诇 砖讜专砖讬 住爪谞转 讛驻讜住讟-驻讗谞拽 砖诇 诪诇讘讜专谉 讜谞拽讟 讘讙讬砖讛 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬转 讞拽专谞讬转 讬讜转专.
讛讛专讻讘 讛讝讛 讛讬讛 50% 讘专诇讬谞讗讬 讜讛爪讬讙 讗转 Alexander Hacke 诪- Einst眉rzende Neubauten 讘讙讬讟专讛, 讗转 讛讙讗讜谉 讛讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬 ex-DAF, Chrislo Haas 讘住讬谞转’ 讜讬谞讟讙’ 砖诇 Korg, 讜讘住讬住讟 讛驻专讬 讙’讗讝 Thomas Stern. 讛讛专讻讘 讛讜砖诇诐 注诇 讬讚讬 讛讗讜住讟专诇讬诐 Mick Harvey 讘转讜驻讬诐 讜砖讜转驻转讜 讛讜讜转讬拽讛 砖诇 讘讜谞讬 Bronwyn Adams 讘讻讬谞讜专.
讘砖谞转 2012, , 讛诇讛拽讛 砖讻注转 讛转讘住住讛 讘讚讟专讜讬讟 讞讝专讛 注诐 讗诇讘讜诐 讛讗讜诇驻谉 讛讞诪讬砖讬 砖诇讛, American Twilight.
住讬讬诪讜谉 讘讜谞讬 讜讘专讜谞讜讜讬谉 讗讚诪住 讛讜讚讬注讜 注诇 讞讝专转诐 诇讗讬专讜驻讛 诇讗讞专 讛驻住拽讛 砖诇 注砖专 砖谞讬诐, 讘专讗砖 讙诇讙讜诇 讞讚砖 砖诇 讛讛专讻讘 砖讘住讬住讜 讘讘专诇讬谉.
讛讛专讻讘 讛讞讚砖 砖讛讜拽诐 讬讬爪讗 诇住讬讘讜讘 讛讜驻注讜转 讘讗讬专讜驻讛 讘诪讗讬, 砖讬讬诪砖讱 诇讗讜专讱 讻诇 讛拽讬抓 讜讬讙讬注 讙诐 讗诇讬谞讜 诇转”讗, 诇驻谞讬 砖讛诇讛拽讛 转讞讝讜专 诇讘专讬讟谞讬讛 讘住驻讟诪讘专 诇住讚专转 转讗专讬讻讬诐 砖讬讻诇诇讜 讗转 讙诇讝讙讜, 谞讜讟讬谞讙讛讗诐, 诪谞爪’住讟专, 诇讜谞讚讜谉 讜讘专讬住讟讜诇.
Crime & the City Solution VI, 讛讛转讙诇诪讜转 讛讗讞专讜谞讛 砖诇 讛诇讛拽讛 砖讛讜拽诪讛 讘-1977 讘住讬讚谞讬, 讻讜诇诇转 讗转 讘讜谞讬 讛诪讬讬住讚 讘砖讬专讛, 讘专讜谞讜讜讬谉 讗讚诪住 讘讻讬谞讜专 讜拽讜诇讜转 专拽注, 讛诪转讜驻祝 讛讗讜住讟专诇讬 讛诪讜注专讱 砖驻讜注诇 讘讘专诇讬谉 讻专讬住 讬讜讝, 诪讗住讟专讜 讛讙讬讟专讛 讙’讜专讙’讬讜 讜诇谞讟讬谞讜, 谞讙谉 讛讘住 讛讘专诇讬谞讗讬 讘专讜谉 讗谞住讟讬住 讜砖讜转祝 讜讞讘专 讜转讬拽, 讛讙讬讟专讬住讟 讜讛驻住谞转专谉 讬诇讬讚 诪诇讘讜专谉 讚讜谞诇讚 讘讗诇讚讬.

驻转讬讞转 讚诇转讜转 – 20:30
转讞讬诇转 讛讜驻注讛 – 22:00
讻专讟讬住讬诐 – 179 砖”讞

注诇 讛讛驻拽讛 讗讞专讗讬讜转 2 讞讘专讜转:
Un-Titled Productions
砖讛讜拽诪讛 讘-2013 讘诪讟专讛 诇讛讘讬讗 诇讗专抓 讗诪谞讬诐 诪讞讝讬转 讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 讛谞讬住讬讜谞讬转 诇讚讜专讜转讬讛. 诪讗讝, 讛住驻讬拽讛 讛讞讘专讛 诇讛讘讬讗 诇讗专抓 诪讜驻注讬诐 讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬讬诐 砖诇 讗诪谞讬诐 讻讙讜谉: PSYCHIC TV, LAIBACH, MECANO, LYDIA LUNCH, BLIXA BARGELD (Einst眉rzende Neubauten), LEE RANALDO (Sonic Youth), BLANE L. REININGER (Tuxedomoon), MONO, BORIS, 讜注讜讚…
Hamon Volume 讛诪讜谉 讜讜诇讬讜诐
讞讘专转 讛讘讜拽讬谞讙 讛诪讬讬爪讙转 讗转 讛讗诪谞讬诐 讛诪讜讘讬诇讬诐 讘专讜拽 讛讬砖专讗诇讬. 讘砖谞讬诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讜转 诪讬讬讘讗转 讛诪讜谉 讜讜诇讬讜诐 讙诐 诪讜驻注讬诐 砖诇 讗诪谞讬诐 讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬讬诐 讻诪讜鈥揟HE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN, ,SLOWDIVE, MERCURY REV, BLACK LIPS ,PETER HOOK WIRE 讜注讜讚…
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