Thu 8 July 2021 - Fri 9 July 2021 | 11:45 pm - 9:00 am
The Block - Salame 157, Tel Aviv, 50-70 NIS

On Thursday, August 8, our unique collage returns to the block! 馃

Now everyone already knows that in order to achieve a perfect creation, you need to connect lots of small pieces from a variety of different textures that together take on a new and powerful meaning. This is exactly the magic that happened in the previous encounters of our collage.

Following a renovation in the main plaza of the block, we have prepared for you a boutique and colorful backyard edition, an accurate event for our beautiful community that is growing and speaking our language.

After 3 very diverse events, which gave way to a spectacular arc of musical styles, we return to an eclectic meeting, and this time we are happy to land in Israel the fine Berlin artist – Re.You

There are advance tickets available at the moment for only 50 NIS for the fast ones among you, so it is highly recommended to get a ticket soon.

Block administrators:
Smoking in the main plaza, corridors and toilets is strictly prohibited.

Keep it fresh
Photography in all parts of the club is prohibited.
The use of telephones in the plazas is prohibited.
Respect the vibe.
Entry is subject to a security check.

dress code:
No entrance with flip-flops, high heels and buttoned shirts.

Production Managers:
Extensions open at 11:59 p.m.
Joining the event from the age of 23 and up, of course the veterans also dance with us until the morning.
Want to maintain the right vibe at the event and the personal space of us all.

Come smiling, happy and aiming to dance,
We missed. Very 鉂わ笍

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

讘讬讜诐 讞诪讬砖讬 讛-08.07, 讛拽讜诇讗讝壮 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬 砖诇谞讜 讞讜讝专 诇讘诇讜拽! 馃

注讻砖讬讜 讻讜诇诐 讻讘专 讬讜讚注讬诐 砖讘讻讚讬 诇讛讙讬注 诇讬爪讬专讛 诪讜砖诇诪转, 爪专讬讱 诇讞讘专 讛诪讜谉 讞诇拽讬诐 拽讟谞讬诐 诪诪讙讜讜谉 诪专拽诪讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐 砖讬讞讚 诪拽讘诇讬诐 诪砖诪注讜转 讞讚砖讛 讜注讜爪诪转讬转. 讝讛 讘讚讬讜拽 讛拽住诐 砖拽专讛 讘诪驻讙砖讬诐 讛拽讜讚诪讬诐 砖诇 讛拽讜诇讗讝壮 砖诇谞讜 注诐 谞讚讘 讚讙讜谉, 讚诪讬讗谉 诇讝讗专讜住, 讗讬转谉 专讬讬讟专, 诪讙讗驻讜谞讬诐 讜讗谞讙讟讛 讜讛驻注诐 讗谞讞谞讜 诪转专讙砖讬诐 诇讛讝诪讬谉 讗转讻诐 诇拽讜诇讗讝’ 爪讘注讜谞讬 注诐 讛讗讜专讞 讛诪专讙砖 砖诇谞讜 – 专讬.讬讜 诪讘专诇讬谉 讜住讜诇诇转 讚讬讙壮讬讬讝 诪拽讜诪讬讬诐 诪砖讜讘讞讬诐 讜诪砖讜讘讞讜转. 讘注拽讘讜转 砖讬驻讜抓 讘专讞讘讛 讛诪专讻讝讬转 砖诇 讛讘诇讜拽, 讛讻谞讜 诇讻诐 诪住讬讘讛 讘讜讟讬拽讬转 讜爪讘注讜谞讬转 讘诪讛讚讜专转 讘讗拽 讬讗专讚, 讗讬专讜注 诪讚讜讬拽 诇拽讛讬诇讛 讛讬驻讛 砖诇谞讜 砖讛讜诇讻转 讜讙讚诇讛 讜诪讚讘专转 讗转 讛砖驻讛 砖诇谞讜.

讗讞专讬 3 讗讬专讜注讬诐 诪讙讜讜谞讬诐 讘诪讬讜讞讚, 砖谞转谞讜 诪拽讜诐 诇拽砖转 诪专讛讬讘讛 砖诇 住讙谞讜谞讜转 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬讬诐, 讗谞讞谞讜 讞讜讝专讬诐 诇诪驻讙砖 讗拽诇拽讟讬, 讜讛驻注诐 讗谞讞谞讜 砖诪讞讬诐 诇讛谞讞讬转 讘讬砖专讗诇 讗转 讛讗诪谉 讛讘专诇讬谞讗讬 讛诪砖讜讘讞 – Re.You

专讬.讬讜 讛讜讗 讻讜讞 讬爪讬专转讬 讘诇转讬 谞讬转谉 诇注爪讬专讛, 注诐 讞讜转诪转 住讗讜谞讚 讬讬讞讜讚讬转 砖讛谞讬讘讜 砖讞专讜专讬诐 讘诇讬讬讘诇讬诐 专讘讬诐 讜讟讜讘讬诐 讘专讗砖诐 ‘诪讜讘讬诇讬’ 砖诇 讗谞讬讛 砖谞讬讬讚专, ‘拽讜拽讜谉’ 砖诇 住讜讜谉 讜讜讗转’, ‘拽讜诪驻拽讟’ 砖诇 诪讬讬拽诇 诪讗讬讬专, ‘驻专讗讜 讘诇讗讜’ 讜注讜讚, 诇爪讚 诇砖讬转讜驻讬 驻注讜诇讛 专讜转讞讬诐 注诐 砖诪讜转 讻诪讜 专诪驻讛, 住讟专讗讜 讗诪住讬讝, 驻诇讜讬讚 诇讗讘讬谉, 拽讚讜砖 讜注讜讚, 讜讻砖讛讜讗 注诇 讛注诪讚讛 – 讗讝 讘讻诇诇 拽讜专讬诐 拽住诪讬诐.

Yard + Squat:
Re.You (Mobilee | Frau Blau, Berlin)
Ido Morali

Ray Harel
Omer Bar
Toi Toi
Aya Tunik

讬砖 讻专讟讬住讬 诪讜拽讚诪讜转 讝诪讬谞讬诐 讻专讙注 讘-50 砖”讞 讘诇讘讚 诇诪讛讬专讬诐 砖讘讬谞讬讻诐 讗讝 诪讜诪诇抓 诪讗讜讚 诇讛转讻专讟住 讘讛拽讚诐.

诪谞讛诇讜转 讘诇讜拽:
讛注讬砖讜谉 讘专讞讘讛 讛专讗砖讬转, 讘诪住讚专讜谞讜转 讜讘砖讬专讜转讬诐 讗住讜专 讘讛讞诇讟.
拽讬驻 讗讬讟 驻专砖 – Keep it fresh
讛爪讬诇讜诐 讘讻诇 讞诇拽讬 讛诪讜注讚讜谉 讗住讜专.
讛砖讬诪讜砖 讘讟诇驻讜谞讬诐 讘专讞讘讜转 讗住讜专 .
专讬住驻拽讟 讚讛 讜讬讬讘 – Respect the vibe.
讛讻谞讬住讛 诪讜转谞讬转 讘讘讬讚讜拽 讘讟讞讜谞讬.

拽讜讚 诇讘讜砖:
讗讬谉 讻谞讬住讛 注诐 讻驻讻驻讬诐, 注拽讘讬诐 讙讘讜讛讬诐 讜讞讜诇爪讜转 诪讻讜驻转专讜转.

诪谞讛诇讜转 讛驻拽讛:
讛专讞讘讜转 谞驻转讞讜转 讘砖注讛 23:59.
讛爪讟专驻讜转 诇讗讬专讜注 诪讙讬诇 23 讜诪注诇讛, 讻诪讜讘谉 砖讙诐 讛讜转讬拽讬诐 专讜拽讚讬诐 讗讬转谞讜 注讚 讛讘讜拽专.
诪讘拽砖讬诐 诇砖诪讜专 注诇 讛讜讬讬讘 讛谞讻讜谉 讘讗讬专讜注 讜注诇 讛诪专讞讘 讛讗讬砖讬 砖诇 讻讜诇谞讜.
转讘讜讗讜 诪讞讜讬讬讻讬诐, 砖诪讞讬诐 讜讘诪讟专讛 诇专拽讜讚,
讛转讙注讙注谞讜. 诪讗讜讚 鉂わ笍
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